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Jais PoV

Yesterday was Abbie's first day of school, today was her second and she told me that she was actually enjoying it. It was now 4 o'clock and she was at home while me Luke and beau were at ours.

" let me see that list, beau" I said. Beau had the list from the other day still.
He handed it to me me from where it was sitting on the side.

I read it and I'm pretty sure she can tick off the 'actually enjoy school' now. Then I saw 'Get a pet'. I suddenly felt the need to go get her one.

"Beau let's drive to the pet store and get Abbie a pet" I said beaming. " you serious bro? Who's paying" he asked astonished. " us three could all chip in but I've got money. I'll just pay more. " I said, anything for Abbie. I was glad me and here were okay.

To my shock they actually agreed and soon enough we were at the pet store.

" what does she like " Luke asked. " do I look like a mind reader" I retorted.

" get her a snake " Luke laughed but stopped the moment he received a glare from beau and I.

" what about a puppy, she likes dogs , her phone background used to be this cute little do. I can't remember what it was called urmmmm" I trailed off trying to think.

" poodle. Spaniel. Chihuahua " Beau


" Labrador, retriever, husky" Luke continued

"Pug!" I blurted out

We call ran to the dog cages in search of a pug and lucky for us, there was just one.

" can we take the pug" beau called to the owner of the shop. He nodded walking over. He pulled down the cage. I decided on taking her out to get the dog stuff later so I just needed the dog.

"This little girl was the last of the litter so she's going cheap" the guy smiled. I didn't even bother to listen to the price, I just handed my money to Beau so he could sort it and I watched the little puppy run around in the cage. She was adorable.

Abbie's PoV.

There was a knock at the door.
Linda called " Abbie it's the boys" then I heared her 'Awwing' at something. I walked out and into the living room where everyone was seated and a blanket covering something. Then it shook.

"What the-" I screamed. " look underneath" beau laughed.

I very carefully pulled off this blanket to see a cage and inside was the most adorable PUG! It had little beady eyes and brown patchy fur. Oh My heart. I loved it.

" OH MY GOD ITS ADORABLE" I squealed. " we got it for you" Jai smirked the other two nodding. I attacked all three of them with hugs.
"Thankyou so so so so much"

I opened the door and this pug ran into my arms I picked it up and I was so happy.

"Hello " I cooed, coaching it's head as it looked up at me. " hey daisy" I smiled at the name.

" she definitely looks like a daisy" Linda agreed.

" come on we need to go buy her stuff" Jai announced.

" yeah I'm coming " Luke said

" I've got to sort out some of the video stuff" Beau told us. The Janoskians were getting pretty big, they were really funny, I watched some of their videos earlier and I don't know why I only just got round to watching them. I still hadn't met Daniel, or skip as they call him.. But they even had agents and management now!


" this one" Luke pointed to a brown dog bed.

" that's boring, this one" Jai pointed to a floral one.

" that's ugly" Luke sneared his nose up at it.

" your both right, that one is ugly and that one is boring , I'm getting this purple one" I picked up the purple, pillow like dog bed and walked to the counter. I already had bought it's bowls, also purple, I just needed food and toys.

" this is cute" Luke handed me a shoe, but not a actually shoe it was a toy that squeaked when you squeezed it.

I let Jai pick one too and I also picked one. I chose a rope thing so I can play tug with the pug. See what I done there;) okay maybe I should never say it again. And Jai chose a squeaky pink bone. I picked up a bag of puppy food that came with a free bag of treats and the boys helped me carry everything to the checkout.

I ended up paying alot but it was on Linda's card and she said that she didn't mind. I was so happy and wanted to get home. I missed Daisy already.

I can't believe the boys done this for me, it's the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me , other than Linda taking me in.

I love them all.

But I will always love Jai a little bit more.


Sorry short chapter. It's a kinda filler. But so much more to come.


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