Singin in the shower.

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I woke up in the morning and got in the shower because the boys were coming round. It was the last day, school started tomorrow and they were coming with me to get my uniform. Luke text me and told me they managed to get Jai to come too! Awkward.

I was showering in the main bathroom because my bedroom one didn't have a shower in it. And I was singing as I washed. I had Demi lovato - warrior stuck in my head. It reminded me of myself.

"Now I'm a warrior

Now I've got thicker skin

I'm a warrior

I'm stronger than I've ever been

And my armor, is made of steel, you

can't get in

I'm a warrior

And you can never hurt me again"

Jais PoV

We walked into Abbie's and she was in the shower. I was nervous as fuck and I didn't want this to be awkward.

Luke, Beau and I all looked at each other as we could hear her singing. It was amazing. Her voice was.. It was beautiful.

"That's it " beau grinned

"What" me and Luke asked in unison, no it wasn't twin telepathy.

" number four and maybe even number five of her bucket list " he said looking pleased with him self

At this point I was like what the fuck.. Luke seemed to understand " oh right! A talent and a hobbie" he exclaimed.

" urm-" I began. Before I could ask beau told me to wait and ran to the kitchen and brought me back a list of things that Abbie wanted to do. " oh so I've been missing all this" I asked disappointed.

"Only the first two-" Luke began but stopped. We the shower has switched off.

" act natural" beau said jumping onto the sofa like an idiot.. Even though me and Luke did the same.

Abbie exited the bathroom in a dressing gown and her hair wrapped in a towel. She was shocked to see us.

" how long you guys been sitting there" she asked.

"Long enough to hear your voice-" Luke began but was again cut off this time by a whack coming from both me and beau.

"Shhhhhit" she looked embarrassed. "Pretend this never happened"

" why your amazing" I said. I started off boldly but ended the sentence rather quietly because I realised I should keep quiet to prevent awkwardness.

" you're sick, abs, we found you a talent and we can even turn it into a hobbie" beau grinned.

" I don't have the balls for that " she sighed.

"We'll help you" Luke told her " it will take time but we will help"

"I suppose, I better go get dressed so we can go get my uniform, oh auntie Linda said hi and that she'll see you after work, you and you mum are meant to come round later" she skipped into her room. She looked happy and that made me happy.

Abbie's PoV

We were walking around the uniform shop. I had my plain white shirts and my striped ties along with the grey skirts In my hand. Jai was holding my blazer (he asked to hold it and it was pure awkward I just sort of freaked out and chucked it at him). I got two of everything except the blazer, and I got 5 tops, one for each day.

Jai and I made minimum conversation all day.

" would you like to pay with cash or card" the woman behind the till asked politely. " card please " I pulled the card from my pocket.

" okay that's 69.95 " she smiled as I put the card into the machine. Uniform should be free I swear, they make us wear it so they should pay.

I took my card and the bags and we all went back to the car.

" so Abbie.." Beau paused. " we've established that you can sing, we should get you in a band or some shit"

Luke agreed but Jai didn't " na she doesn't need to be in a band, her voice is amazing she should go solo" he spoke. I blushed.

This was embarrassing. " how about we leave the hobby thing for now " I said nervously laughing, preying that they'd agree.

" maybe. At least for until we figure it out " Luke laughed. I rolled my eyes while all boys laughed clearly seeing my embarrassment. I was so annoyed with myself that they'd heard me in the shower, how could I not hear them come in?

Luke's PoV

To say you could feel the awkwardness between Jai and Abbie is an understatement. You could cut the tension with a knife.

We start school tomorrow so they needed to at least speak, he's my brother and I'm with him most of the time at school and she's going to be with us too. We were watching a movie at ours so I figured it would be good for me to make them talk somehow, even if it's just about the movie. Better than nothing.

" Jai, Abbie what you think of the movie. " I asked, Jai to my left and Abbie to my right with beau on the other side of her. They both sort of shrugged as if I had asked the worlds hardest question. Okay plan b.

" Abbie I really need a word with beau will you swap seats." I asked. Beau smirked knowing what I was doing.

" can't you talk in the kitchen?" She looked at me funny.

" don't wanna miss the movie" beau chipped in. She rolled her eyes and awkwardly got up and sat next to Jai after I slid over. After a few minutes of me pretending to tell beau something and no speaking from either of them I had another idea.

" you know what beau.. Abbie is right lets go to the kitchen" I said, now they're next to each other and it's just them Two. They have to speak.

Me and beau walked to the kitchen and watched their moves through the crack of the door. For a few minutes there was nothing. But then something happened in the movie, we were watching saw so it must've made Abbie jump but she grabbed on to jais arm.

" you scared" he snickered. " no i just wasn't expecting it" she snapped back, I could tell she was scared to speak to him.

"Them two think we're idiots" Jai laughed talking about me and beau. "Haha I know', they only left so we were alone" she joined in. They continued laughing and stared talking about the movie.

" that worked " I said, pleased with my self.

" they couldn't stay away from each other too long, they were always gonna talk eventually" beau smiled watching them laugh together. They were pretty cute actually.

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