I miss you

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" where we even going " Luke asked me as if I knew
" does it look like I know,Luke?" I asked laughing.
" oh, Jai? Do you ? " Luke called over to Jai. Before he could open his mouth, beau answered for him." None of you know, it's a surprise" he laughed whilst driving down a long road.

5 minutes later we pulled up outside a massive fair. Both twins eyes lit up and I smiled " fuck yeah " Jai sounded like a 5 year old with bad language at this point. " we are going on the twisters first" Luke exclaimed.

"Yeah come on,babe." Jai grabbed my hand and all four of us ran to the entry , payed our fee and then ran to the twisters. I sat with Jai and Luke s d beau sat together.

"Jai, I'm not good with rides" I was actually terrified. " but the twister doesn't even go upside down or leave the ground " he laughed at me. I hit his arm and told him to shut up as the ride had started. He put his arm around me and held me close, I felt safe as he and the boys cheered in excitement. I couldn't help but smile.

We got off the ride and I was shaking.
"You wimp" Luke laughed
" says the boy that's scared of a girl" I smirked
"Me ? Scared of a girl? Who and since when?" He asked.
" me" I simply replied before attacking him playfully, he ran and i chased him and we both ended up on the floor laughing.
"Jai keep your girl on a leash" he chuckled
" she's not officially my girl , yet" Jai smiled looking over to me and there and then I got a rush of excitement. I jumped up and suggested other rides, my fear had just disappeared out of no where, I knew I was safe with Jai.

It was beginning to get dark. " let's head back to my car" beau suggested , we had been on a lot more rides to my shock. We all walked back.

On the journey home I was thinking about my dream and my dad. He was the last person to take me to a fair, and he made me go on the ghost train and I had never been so scared in my life. I missed him, so much and I still didn't know who killed him. The police basically gave up trying to figure it out.

"What's up" Jai asked as we pulled into my drive way. " nothing just tired " I lied. " okay , well text me I'm gonna go home for tonight" he kissed my forehead and I nodded " bye faggots " I laughed plastering a fake smile on my face before walking into the house. I guessed they drove the car two houses down to their drive way which is pretty lazy haha.

I walked into my room and accidentally knocked over a box on my table. " shit" I grumbled and leant down to put all the stuff back in it, the entire time thinking about my dad and how I missed him and wished I was with him right now. Then I saw it. That shiny blade that was my only friend at one point, I missed it. I needed to do it.

After a few moments of staring I gave into the temptation. I knew I'd regret it and that Jai could never know but I needed this , like I needed my dad back.
It was the next day and k was sat at the brooks house, me and Jai were cuddled on the sofa and Luke and beau were next to us and we were watching American horror story.

" can I speak to you, Abbie" beau looked over to me and I thought nothing of it and nodded, following him to the kitchen. "Yeah ?" I asked.

"Are you okay " why is he asking this
"Sure-" he cut me off with "don't lie"
I gave him a confused look.

" Abs, I saw your arm, your sleeve slipped up" he told me. Dang it needs to stop doing that. I looked down.

" Abbie, come on you know you don't need to do that. You have us, we don't want to see you hurting" he explained with a sympathy look.

" beau I don't like sympathy" I told him probably sounding Ruder than intended.

" I don't like seeing you hurt" he retorted. " I won't tell Jai but you need to stop abs, it all gets better i promise" he went to hug me but I pushed him away.

" leave me alone" I cried and ran to my room locking it, tears streaming down my face.

I searched for what I needed. Where's my blade, it's gone. Beau must've taken it earlier. Why would he do this. I fell to the floor crying some more.

There was a knock at the door.
"Babe.. What you doing , beau said you're sleeping but it's early, you okay?"

I didn't answer I wanted him to think i was asleep. I heard his footsteps fading into the distance. I pulled my phone out and text beau.

To: Beau.
What did you do with them I need them. How could you.

The iMessage was almost instantly read and it showed me that he began typing.

From: Beau.
No, Abbie. I took it for your own good. You don't need them, you need Jai.

He was right. I didn't bother replying because I had other things to think about. Where was my razor ? It had a blade in it.

I ran to the bath room to retrieve it. Still sobbing to my self.

Poor Abbie :(
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