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My birthdays in a week today. Keeping that to myself though. Don't want a fuss, the boys have done enough for me, Linda too. Of course she will know it's my birthday, she always would send cards with money to me on my birthdays. But I've asked her to keep it on the down low.

It was Saturday, the boys were here with Gina but I felt ill so I was napping.

Jais PoV

We were all sat at Abbie and Linda's. By we I mean Luke, beau, mum and I. Abbie was in bed because she wasn't feeling too well so we were just in the living room.

Us boys were on our phones and my mum and Linda were speaking about girl stuff. Shopping and clothes and whatever. I was playing a good game of angry birds and my fucking phone died.

" Linda, could I borrow your phone charger please" I asked interrupting their conversation.

" yeah it's in the kitchen" she nodded.

I walked off to the kitchen and picked it up, it was next to a birthday card titled "HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY NIECE" it had not been wrote on yet but it was obviously for Abbie.

Walked back in. " is that birthday card for Abbie "

Linda looked to me " uuurrrrm"

" why would you hide that" beau laughed at Linda as she didn't quite know what to do with herself.

" ah , listen she wants it on the down low, so no one makes a big deal. So I didn't tell you and don't make a fuss" she pleaded. "It's In a week today"

Of course we 'agreed' but the looks we gave each other otherwise. Mum gave us the 'look'.. The one she gives when she tells us to watch what we're about to do or say. We just ignored that though..



Linda and Gina went into garden to sunbathe, leaving me and my brothers alone, inside to talk about our plan.

" what we gonna get her?" Luke asked.

" something amazing " beau nodded.

"Beau, that list.. A party" I pointed out.

" would that be too far? She probably meant a small party like just us and a few friends. Your thinking a massive one" Luke pointed out.

" not massive just big" I smirked

" we will make it so good that she has to love it" beau also smirked.

" I always get dragged into this shit, but what the fuck I'm in" Luke chuckled, he loves having us as brothers really. Though I like to think I'm the funner twin, in sure he would say otherwise..



"What does she like?" Skip asked. It's been a couple of hours and now all Janoskians were at our house along with Georgia.

" she likes things that aren't too girly" Georgia pointed out, I guess she would know, she's a girl.

" we need a theme" Luke told us this as if we didn't already

" I have a fucking sick idea" I announced. " black and white theme. And she can show up in a bright coloured dress"

"Yes she'll stand out and everyone will know this party is hers." Georgia clapped.

" me, Jai and geo will handle the guests from school. Does anyone know if anyone from her old place wants to come" Luke asked.

"I'll sort that. And I'll ask Linda if we can do it at hers" I nodded.

Jai Brooks is my HeroWhere stories live. Discover now