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Dear Whitney,

How many years have I known you? About 10? And it's funny because we actually were friends once. And then along came the boys. Instantly they took a liking to you and you pushed me out the door. Constantly picking on me to impress them. Everyday it would get worse from being called 'annoying Abbie' because I said hello to being physically punched across the face. If we went back to when we were 7 and looked at you now, you'd truly see the monster that you've turned into. You made my life hell and you're the reason I felt so miserable with myself, you made me feel worthless, like I was nothing but scum on everyone's shoes. I was scared to walk through the corridors, even step foot into the school. I ended up with next to no friends. Does this make you proud? Make you laugh? You almost got there, almost succeeded, almost run me down to the ground, but you didn't quite make it, I want you to know how happy I am now. I've met the most loveliest boys and they've turned world upside down and everything is perfect. The smile on my face is no longer fake. I can't help but thank you for the motivation, with out the way you made me feel maybe I wouldn't be as close to them as I am now.
I hope your pleased with yourself, but I'm not going to be as bad and wish you unhappiness, instead I wish that you go back to being the old you and maybe one day forgive yourself for all you done the way I'm forgiving you now.
Thanks whit, for everything..

Abbie Cartright x

Dear Joshua.

I am assuming Whitney is still the apple of your eye. She was ever since you met her. She'd do anything to impress you, including turning on her bestfriend. Nice job you did there but I'm still here and I'm happier that ever. I'm guessing that's not what you wanted to hear but, I'm afraid that that's tough shit. You three truly done a good job in hurting me and honestly I don't know what you see in each other. You and Lewis are both in love with a girl who's turned into the biggest bitch a going& she's fell for you. Words can't describe how much of a dick you are. Oh my god dick is an understatement. You hurt me in as many ways possible. You're cruel and vial. To hit a girl is terrible and I dread to think what your family would say if they knew. I hope and prey that you don't treat them the way you treat everyone else. Maybe there's more to your story as to why you're like this. But quite frankly I couldn't give a shit anymore. I'm happy now. I can't forgive you for the way you treated me like I did with whit, because you made her this way. She didn't deserve to turn into such a bitch but you're to blame. Well done for making your girlfriend the most hated girl in school. Congratulations on your love towards each other.
I'm happy now two, we all win.. Well at least I do, finally.
Cya josh.

Dear Lewis,

I really do pitty you. Your best friend is with the girl you love and she plays you like your some old video game and you let her aswell as letting josh push you around. You had your fair share in making my life hell but I can't help but think maybe you were forced into it. But you didn't have to say yes, you could've made new friends but it was too late, you were already a dick who was blind to see how much of a pushover you really are. Truth hurts huh? Yeah. I can't forgive you either, because as far as your concerned you are doing no wrong, you are doing what 'king josh' tells you to do like hitting a girl. No way can i forgive you for how you made me feel all I can do is feel sorry for you, you poor little boy. Josh is the reason you are who you are and the reason that you're hated along with himself and Whitney. But seeing as your all such good friends that shouldn't matter? Yeah I hope you feel guilt, unless your not capable with out the help of josh. All that matters now is I'm happy and I hope you truly see the damage that you have done. Get a brain of your own and leave josh and whit to it, for your own good. You have a mind of your own Yano?

Dear mother,

Wow, you would think I would have nothing to say considering I never got to meet you. But that gives me so much more to say. I'll start with a thankyou, so much for carrying me for 9 months and successfully giving birth to me and I'm so sorry for what the turn out was. It's hard knowing that when I was born I killed you. Well not killed you but you died by childbirth so I was involved and I miss you. I wish I could've got to know you, my gorgeous mother and I truly know how much of an amazing mum you would've been. Dad told me all about you and how you loved music and all about your romantic dates and even your life story. Dads with you now, do me a favour and look after him? Help him feel at home up there in heaven. I wanted nothing more than to be with you and him up there. But you two wouldn't want that, you'd want me to live on to life's full experience and to enjoy it and follow my dreams, hey I'm working on it :). I promise you that I will do you proud, both you and dad. I can't put into words how much I miss you and how I wish you were here. I'm gonna live for you ma. I'm gonna give the world all I've got and show them how the cartrights handle life because I know that is what you would've wanted. I met this guy, I'm sure you've seen him if you're looking down, I wish you were here to give me boy advice haha. I really like him and I'm getting better for him aswell as you and dad. My aunt Linda, your sister, Kind of gives me a glimpse of what it would've been like to have you around. Dad always would tell me how you two were alike haha. I hope your having fun up there! I love and miss you so so much mother. I'll meet you one day.
All love, Abbie xxxxx

Dear father,

Hey dad, it's been a while. I miss you. But your with mum now, and I have had you 16 years and now it's her and heavens turn. You are the best dad that anyone has ever wanted. You always had my back and always knew how to cheer me up. I lost you in the worst way possible and I never even got to say goodbye. I don't want to, ever. I want to be in your arms and feel safe and watch catfish together and moan about reality TV shows with you. But even if you're not here in person I know your watching from up there. Although we don't know who did this to you, and as much as I'd like to know maybe it is best that I didn't as it would hurt more than anything to look at the person responsible. You're with mum, the love of your life now and you have a whole 16 years to catch up on, I hope you tell her all about me as you did for me, about her. I've been through a lot, pops but I'm living now for you and mum. I'm going to do you both proud. I promise. Is heaven as beautiful as what we talked about? I'll see for myself one day, hopefully you'll recognise me because I'll be old. Give mum a kiss from me Papa d. I guess this is a proper goodbye. Well at least it's a see you soon, we don't do goodbyes, remember? I love and miss you very much dad.
All love, Abbie xxxxx

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