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Georgia's POV

It's my job to distract Abbie tomorrow. God knows how. But for now I have to take her to buy a dress and I have my excuse all planned out. I just have to worry about leaving the boys to set up. Oh my.

Abbie's POV

" no I can't be bothered" I told Georgia who was violently ripping the blanket off me from where I was sitting on the sofa in the living room.

"You already ditched me at school today. So you are coming shopping with me and besides I've got to go to s party tomorrow, it's one of the girls and i don't want to be the only one there not talking about fluffy pink stuff" she moaned. I hadn't been at school, I said I had a headache but I really just couldn't be bothered.

" I'm not going" i simply said.

" oh my gosh I'll buy you a new dress, what ever one you like.. And I'll get the boys to come.. Even Jai" she wined.

Jai would not be the reason I said yes. No no no Abbie said no.

"Okay fine" I told her getting up and grabbing a coat. Oh well may as well make the most of it. At least nine of them knew it was my birthday tomorrow.



"You can't have that one"

"Geo, you said I can have whatever one I want" I was getting fed up now.

"It's too plain" she told me , emotionless as if she has rehearsed saying it 100 times.

"Georgia, yours is black and white too." I pointed out.

" yeah that's exactly why you need a different colour. Get a purple one" she basically demanded but I liked the idea anyway.

As my eyes scanned the shop a certain dress caught my eye. It was a vibrant purple boobtube with silver sequences around the chest area (a/n picture attached to chapter).

"You like that?" Geo asked as I looked at the dress I nodded.

" I need some skin coloured tights, I don't like my legs" I stated, thinking about my scars.

" onit" she replied and practically danced down the isle looking for rights, soon to return and usher me into the changing rooms to try it on. I grabbed a black leather jacket in the way that I thought would look good with it and cover my arms.

A few minutes later I had the dress on, along with the tights. My scars weren't visible and I really liked the dress.

I stepped out and Georgia's face lit up.

"Yes" she grinned, now put these on. She handed silver sequined shoes, high heals. I slipped them on and the out fit was complete.

" is it too much for a party?" I asked.

" no no, the others come in such expensive clothing, get changed and we can go pay " she replied.

She insisted on paying for it all, I had no money on me anyway but she wouldn't say no.

Why she wanted me to come to this party so bad beats me.



It was the day after and I was waiting in my living room for Georgia. It was my birthday but I felt exactly the same. I was 17 now, I hadn't seen my auntie yet but I would see her this evening when I got home or something and she said it was fine which shocked me because she always tells me how she loves birthdays.

It was 1 o clock and we were going out for abit before the party and I was going to get ready at her house. I wasn't really looking foward to it to be honest.

I soon heard a knock at the door and grabbed my bag and ran to it to see Georgia standing there waiting to leave.

She wouldn't tell me where she was taking me.

" where are we going" I asked in frustration. We were sitting on a train and I had no idea why.

" we're here"

She grinned as the train came to a stand still.

We got off onto the platform and walked through and as we got out there was a row of clubs and spas and other cool places. " my aunt works at this spa" Georgia gestured to the building marked 'pretty petite' and I nodded meaning she should carry on explaining. " she said we can have a free spa day" she clapped getting excited.

" hair, make up, Nails, woooo" she cheered I laughed at how excited she got, I was pretty thrilled too. Why not! Sounds fun. Secret birthday treat for me and she didn't even know!

"hey Auntie Pam" Geo smiled as we entered the shop. Inside was very modernised and it smelt of shampoo and very good hair product.

" hello Georgia and you must be Abbie!" she smiled "Take a seat by the sinks girls and look through the books on how you would like your hair and i'll be right over" she told us and we obeyed.

I looked through and saw the cutest hairstyle. It was a waterfall plait, cascading around the side of the head and the ends of the hair were curled. It looked really good, its what I was going to ask for.

Pam walked over and asked what we would like, I pointed out the hairstyle I wanted and Geo pointed out a crinkled look.

first Pam and one of her Assistants washed out hairs and it was like a head massage, it felt so good. Then after we had it conditioned we sat under one of them things that you put your head under and its like a massive blow-dryer inside. Pam said it was to let the conditioner treatment to take affect.

while sitting under there we had face masks applied and I felt so relaxed. After a while we had the masks peeled off and our hairs rinsed one last time followed by them being blow-dried.

"before we style the hair we will do the make up to the hair doesn't get messed up in the process" Pam explained. " you going for the natural yet noticeable look?" she asked and we both nodded in sync.

Pam done my face and the other lady done Geos. She started with my brows, she plucked any stray hairs and shaped them. Next she used foundations and powders to cover lighter skin patches followed by a Smokey eye shadow look and some winged eyeliner. She made my eyelashes look extra long with mascara and toned my cheeks with blush. For once I kinda liked what I looked like.

Then she to the hair. She sectioned it and plaited it in the waterfall plait, I didn't understand how she done it, it was amazing. then she used the wand to curl my ends into loose ringlets. she sprayed my hair and let it fall down my back. I loved it to say the least.

I i turned to Geo who was just about done and she look stunning! " you look gorgeous" she told me. " i was just about to say the same thing to you" i laughed.

"nails !" Pam announced.

"i'll have white and i think Abs should have purple" Geo smiled and i nodded.

i had my nails filed and painted and dried under one of them hand things and once again it was all relaxing.

As my hands finished i looked at the time it was already 5 o clock!

"you girls look wonderful, enjoy the party and do come back soon" she smiled looking at us both.

We thanked her quite a few times before leaving. The party started at 7 and we had 2 hours. oh joy.



" do we have to stop at mine?" i groaned

" yes i need to pee" Georgia wined.

I sighed. we were on our way to this stupid party. I felt really comfortable in this outfit and Geo had leant me a silver bracelet to accessorise.

"it's basically 7 we are going to be late" i groaned approaching my front door.

" One sec" she called as i went to open the door. she looked to her phone, wrote a text and pressed send. " Okay, proceed!" she said with the biggest grin on her face. what the hell was she up too.

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