Safe and sound

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"Jai could you grab my hoodie?" I asked as I put my shoes on.

We were now leaving to go home. Jai had spent the whole day and last night with me so I haven't been too bored but I couldn't wait to go home and sleep yet it was only 8 o'clock in the evening.

Jai chucked me my hoodie and walked over to help me slip it on, I ached all over, whatever the doctors did had worn off so I only could rely on pain killers now.

" lets go home" jai smiled holding my hand as we walked out of the room. I was kind of limping but it didn't hurt too bad. Jai had already checked me out so we just had to walk out.

Beau was waiting at the car park for me and Jai. We got into the car and began driving, it was a quiet but soothing drive.

when we arrived Beau went back to his and jai was going to stay at mine with me tonight.

" Welcome home" My aunt Linda smiled. Giving me a hug at the doorstep. She ushered me and jai in and offered us food but I declined and said I just wanted to sleep.

I was already in trackies and a top so I decided to sleep in them, I kicked my shoes off and climbed into bed. I watched as Jai took his top off revealing his toned body.. it was perfect and the sight was amazing. That sounds silly but I don't even care, his body was the best.

Jai climbed in next to me and pulled me close, wrapping is arms around my waste, I rested my head on his chest.. it was perfect.

"Abbie.. I love you" he whispered into my ear.

My stomach has never been filled with so much chaos than now, it was like a butterfly farm.. if they exist.

I grinned. " jai, I love you too"



" NO" I screamed sitting up in my bed. Ah it was just a dream.. I has a dream and In it I had basically relived everything That I was put through when I was kidnapped.

"whats up babe? it's okay you had a nightmare." jai sat up and hugged me.

"sorry" I sighed

"you're safe now, do you want to talk about it?" he asked

" it was just like a flash back of when I was taken. But it's okay now." I told him.

"They're in prison and soon they will go to caught and they will stay there for years, they committed numerous crimes, and will never be aloud near you. I won't ever let them touch you again abs I promise" he kissed my cheek.

I nodded and we laid back down and fell asleep again and this time I dreamed about jai and it was perfect.

When I awoke jai was still asleep.. I stared at him, he was handsome as fuck.

"like the view" he laughed. Shit, he was awake.

"oops" I laughed.

"we should do something today" he suggested.

"i um.. I don't want to leave the house" I shuddered.


"Well.. I don't know i'm.. I am kinda scared jai"

"Abs I promise that you're safe with me, but it can wait. Skip and james are coming over to mine and obviously Beau and Luke will be there so how about we just join them?" he offered.

"yeah.. thanks jai" I smiled.



Jai closed the door behind us and I held onto his arm. We began walking and I literally held onto his arm, shitting myself the entire time, it sounds silly but I was scared. Jai understood though.

We entered the house and everyone was already there.

"Abbie , jai!" james smiled, greeting us.

"hey guys" jai greeted

"hi" I smiled. All these boys make me happy.

"guys.. I just wanted to say thankyou for everything you did for me, saving me, getting into fights for me and even just putting up with me" I told them all. " I don't know how I could ever repay you for it all"

all the boys grinned.

" well firstly, you're repaying us by making my little brother happy and secondly we know your here for us if we ever need you and that's all we need other than you staying by our side" Beau pulled me into a gentle hug and all the boys joined in on one massive group hug.

The rest of the day was movie based and calm, I knew these boys would have me back to normal In no time!


its been two weeks and other than going to the brooks household, I haven't left my own house. I haven't been back to school yet and jai made Gina let him have time off to be with me but Luke brings all his school work home so he doesn't fall behind and I help him with it so I don't either.

Georgias been to see me a few times, we had a girly day the other day and she told me how much she misses me, I told her I would be back as soon as I could.

It was now Thursday morning and I was thinking about everything my mum and dad told me before I woke up in the hospital.. I still hadn't told jai and I felt that I should.

"jai.." I began and he looked towards me from beside me on the sofa. " in the hospital.. before I woke up I was in this white room and my urm.. my parents, they came to me"

"you mean like spoke to you?" I couldn't read the expression on his face.

"yeah, but it sounds silly and you probably don't believe me which is why I haven't told anyone" I rambled on

"no no, I do and its amazing, I hear about stuff like that all the time.. what did they say?" he sounded so excited and it was just so god damn cute.

"they said that is wasn't my time to leave and that my life still is young. They said to be strong, for them" I informed him. " so I am going to be.. I am ready to leave the house.. I have to face the world someday." I told him.

His smile was now reaching his ears.

"i was hoping you were ready.. let me take you out tonight.. on a date!" he asked and I grinned. "Abbie will you go on a date with me?"

"Of course I will , yes" I hugged him.

I truly love Jai Brooks.

"Good. I need to go get everything ready.. I am coming to get you at 7" he smiled before getting up and giving me a kiss. He ran out of the house and I was already excited.

Jai Brooks is my HeroWhere stories live. Discover now