carry me home.

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" what do you think you're doing? how did you get in here?" Whitney questioned.

" shut up you've lost" Luke snapped.

Whitney tried to run to the door but failed miserably when she couldn't get through the boys.

"Come on" Jai said then he kissed my head and picked my up bridal style.

" ouch" I screamed as I was in pain all over.

"shit i'm sorry!" jai quickly said.

"it's not your fault" I smiled weakly.

He carried me to the door but as we got there Kyle, josh and lewis appeared.

"what the-" jai began

"there's windows in there smart ass" josh laughed.

I didn't know what they were talking about. I whimpered in Jais arms.

my grip tightened as Kyle leant over attempting to take me but jai moved me away.

Kyle raised his fist, I don't know which one of us he was about to punch but as he did I closed my eyes and Luke, Beau, Daniel and james ran towards us to stop it but someone beat them to it..

I opened my eyes to see four police officers run in, two were women and one grabbed lewis while the other ran walked over to whitney and grabbed her as she tried to run and the other two were men and they grabbed kyle and josh.

"gotcha" the one who grabbed Kyle remarked.

I sighed and hugged Jai In relief and listened as the cops red them all there rights and what they were being arrested for. josh, lewis and whitney were for kidnapping and vandalism and kyle for kidnapping. They should be getting done for torture and kyle should for being a paedophile.. but i am sure that I would be asked about that later.

"we need you to answer some questions and give us a statement miss.." the female with dark hair that was holding whitney began.

" Cartright" I had to push my voice out because I was so week.

"Miss cartright, We have an ambulance for you on the way so we will send some officers down to the hospital to talk to you there, is that okay?" she smiled.

I just nodded and looked up at jai then I closed my eyes and felt my whole body shut down.

Jais Pov

"shit is she okay?" I panicked, Abbie had just closed her eyes and I didn't knoe if she was unconscious or not but she wouldn't open them.

" Lets take her downstairs, the ambulance should be here but I am sure that she's fine" one of the officers told me.

I basically ran down the staircase, down the corridor and outside and was there just as the ambulance pulled up. Paramedics rushed out and grabbed Abbie from me and into the back, checking her all over.

"Do you know how long she has been asleep for?" one asked

" a few minutes, she was awake and just week, is she okay?" I asked nearly in tears.

"She has a pulse and is breathing, I think her body has just shut down because of the pain that she is in, she will be awake in no time" he smiled.

I sighed a sigh of relief and turned my head to see the boys coming towards me and the cops putting Whitney, Josh, Kyle and Lewis into the police van.

" is one of you coming in the ambulance with her?" The man asked.

"i'm coming." I turned the the boys. " you guys go and get mum and linda, I will meet you at the hospital" I told them.

They all nodded. " Text me when you know anything" beau spoke, I nodded and got into the back of the ambulance where Abbie was laying looking so hurt but still so beautiful.


The journey here was mostly the paramedics asking if I was okay and them using big words about Abbies condition but now we were here and I was outside her hospital room while the doctors attended to her inside. I was so worried. I had to put all faith into these doctors, people that I barley knew.

I had hope because that paramedic said that she would be fine.

The ward door flung open and I looked up to see The boys, Linda and mum running in.

"Is she okay, tell me my niece is okay Jai" Linda panicked.

I looked to see that everyone was listening and I began explaining what the paramedic had told me earlier on.

Abbies Pov

"Dad?" I squinted as I saw a man walk towards me in the pure white room that I was in.

" Abbie, my dear" he smiled.

"DAD!" I ran towards him, I felt no pain at the moment, but I was stopped by what was like an invisible wall.

"Honey, this is your mother" he smiled and moved to the side, revealing my mother, a beautiful, fair haired woman, just how I had pictured her.

"mum! how?" I asked confused. Was I dead?

"My darling daughter, we are here to tell you that now is not your time" she smiled.

"you need to fight and be strong, you shouldn't be here yet. Your life is still young" my dad continued.

"but what if I can't" I replied doubting myself.

"you can, do it for us." my father smiled.

"we love you Abbie" my mum also smiled.

" I love you too"

Then they began to fade away.

"mum, dad? come back? please?" I screamed.

The whole room began to fade to pitch black and then could feel my eyelids slowly rise open to reveal all the boys, my aunt and gina looking down at me.

"Oh, Abbie" my aunt grinned leaning down and hugging me. " we were so worried"

One by one the boys and Gina hugged me. I still felt week but I guess I was drugged up or something because I wasn't feeling any pain.

The door opened and two officers walked in.

"Ah, Miss Cartright, you're awake, would you mind if we asked you some questions?" one smiled.

I mentally groaned as they approached me. "no I don't" I told them. I just wanted to go home really.

The police asked me some questions and they recorded me telling them everything that happened and who did what to me.

Later on the doctor told me that I couldn't leave until tomorrow night so I had to sleep here which I was not happy about and yes, I kicked up a fuss but I didn't have a choice.

Jai told me that he would stay with me, which is all I needed!


following what I said last chapter, I have decided that seeing as there are only 3 chapters left(including this one) so 2 chapters now, I will upload them all and mark this completed:).

Check out 'Blue Magic' it is another Janoskian fanfic and its different... its got some magic in it to add a little spice.

Also a while back I began writing ' Would you love me' - again, janoskians;) XD

check that out too and let me know if I should delete it.

Thanks for getting this far into the book, I love you for it.

Thankyou for the reads and votes, it's been a pleasure xxx

I make it sound like this is some event or some shit, lol oops!

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