Try again

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My bedroom door opened where beau was standing.

" are you crying?" He asked like it wasn't obvious.

" I did this to her"

" I've spoken to her and explained everything so just give her some time and she'll come around" he reassured me. Just then my phone beeped.

" you gonna look at that?" Beau asked and I shook my head. "Why not"

" it's just a text, it can wait" I told him.

" I'll look then" he said grabbing the phone from my bed before I could stop him. " yeah you wanna look at this" he tossed the phone to me and I looked at the screen, eyes lighting up.

from: Abbie
Come over, we can talk.

Abbie's POV

I opened the front door for Jai and turned and walked into my bedroom, he followed close behind me and say next to me on the bed.

" Beau told me" I looked to him. " is it true?" I asked and he simply just handed me his phone with jasmines texts. I read through them.

All were based around me. He was telling her how much he liked me and wanted to be with me and I didn't have to read it all to see that i got it all wrong.


" I'm sorry. I would have reacted the same and I should've realised how it looks " he cut me off and I could see the guilt.

" it's fine. I should've headed the whole story.. I just felt like when we were out the other day, just me and you.. You were happier texting her." I sighed

" no, that's not it. She was helping me, I was planning to-" he stopped and looked shy. " planning to ask you to me my girlfriend.. In the best way I could"

I gasped. I ruined it oh my god.

" Jai I am so sorry"

" it's fine. I just want you to know that you're who I like, no one else and it will always be you. I didn't even tell jasmine what your name was because I didn't want you to be mad for me telling her. And if you are I'm so sorry I don't want to lose you and I hope one day I can ask you to be mine for real and it will be so special" he sighed

With that I jumped into his arms and we rolled around on the bed. " I forgive you and I'm sorry " I laughed into his chest.

" it's okay, Abs. It's okay" he smiled as I looked up into his eyes. It felt like everything was fixed in a matter of moments. I was so happy.


Me and Jai cuddled and just talked for a few hours after that and he even let me say hi to jasmine, and hey guess what? She is lovely, I thanked her for everything and she told me how much Jai likes me and that she's here if I need her.

Jai told me about his argument with Luke so I was now dragging him back to his to fix things.

We walked in and skip and James were just leaving and saying goodbye to Luke and beau. On their way out they said bye to us and I hugged them before saying bye.

" Luke come here please, and you beau I need your help on this" I told them and they walked over to us.

" you two didn't need to argue because of me, I'm not getting in between you two, you're brothers, you're twins. You need to make up" I basically ordered. They both grunted and looked away.

" she's right, stop being childish" beau joined in.

" he's a dick" Luke snapped.
" he's a cunt" Jai retorted.

" me and Jai are sorted now. Luke, Thankyou for looking out for me and for just being there when I needed someone the most. I have heard him out and even spoken to jasmine, she was helping him by giving him ideas of how to treat me and stuff. She's been through all that I have." I explained as Luke looked up.

" and she's a fan. Read jais texts and they're all about Abbie. He likes abs not jasmine" beau continued.

" oh I- shit" Luke sighed.

" it's fine, thanks for being there for Abbie " Jai smiled.

" I shouldn't have got so angry, I'm sorry bro" Luke walked over to Jai and they had a bro hug.

" thank fuck" I laughed high fiving beau... Well attempting to anyway. We missed. Oops.

The twins laughed at us both and we looked at them with a shut up look before laughing along.

Right now everything was perfect.

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