Ink poison

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Luke's PoV

I feel really bad because i upset Abbie.
I was sitting on the couch and I decided to go see if she was alright.
It obviously only took me a few seconds to get there and I let myself in and walked into the living room to find Abbie laying there. She looked half asleep.

"Luke" she said looking at me kind of dopey.

" what's wrong?" I asked knowing that this wasn't normal. Had she tried to kill herself again?
" Luke my eyes hurt and I feel really ill, my arms kinda numb, I'm freezing " she said slowly.
Then she grabbed the bin beside the sofa and emptied it onto the floor before spilling her insides out into it.

" are you like pregnant ?"

" no Luke I'm a fucking Virgin" she answered looking in the bin in disgust.

" Luke.. Oh my god Luke my eyes" she screamed in pain. "I'm calling an ambulance " I told her.

This wasn't normal.

Abbie's PoV

About 5 minutes later the ambulance was outside and the paramedics came rushing in, examining me and my vomit.

" have you been using Any ink at all ?" One woman asked.

I nodded. " a marker pen , the ink got into a cut in my arm and I cleaned it" I explained while she nodded, then she turned to the male paramedic. " I think we are looking at ink poisoning here" she told him and he nodded before they carried me out to the ambulance. I hate these things.

I was now at the hospital, Luke came with me and I made him promise not tell any of the others as I couldn't be bothered for the stress. Or to stress them.

It turns out that more ink had got into my system than I'd realised and it was dangerous. I didn't see how but my doctor told me that perhaps more cuts on my arm were still open than I realised and after looking he was right.

We had been here for hours and Luke told the others he took me for lunch. I had tests done and was on the drip. They had cleaned out my arm properly.

" you're case of blood poisoning was dangerous but it didn't do as much damage as it could've, meaning we don't need to keep you overnight but you will need to take this antibiotics. 2 of them 4 times a day until the medication is all gone." She explained and I nodded as did Luke.

5 minutes later I was discharged and me and Luke got a cab home.

" sorry for all that Luke, thanks for your help" I looked to my feet as we got out the cab.

" it's fine , I'm just glad that you're okay" he said , he walked me to my doorstep and I hugged him goodbye before walking inside. It was pretty late.

" awfully long lunch!" Linda laughed. " urm yeah Luke took me around Melbourne to show me more of the place" I laughed nervously.

I went straight to my room feeling like utter shit. The doctor told me not to use the marker pen anymore so I didn't know what to do. I looked at the paper beau had gave me.

Write what you are feeling down.

That seemed okay so this is what I did, I grabbed a pen(not a marker this time) and a piece of paper and wrote everything I felt.

After 15 or so minutes I breathed and kinda felt at ease.


I opened my door. "Hey beau" I smiled. We sat on my bed.

" how you been today?" He looked at my arms signalling he meant had I cut.

" I used the marker pen but that ended badly " I laughed looking back at the situation. I realised he had a worried expression " oh no I didn't end up cutting! A lot of the ink went in the old cuts and I ended up in hospital , nothing major. Luke was with me but no one knows so PLEASE don't tell anyone" I begged.

"Oh shit " he looked relieved that I hadn't cut but concerned at the same time. " I won't don't worry" he smiled and hugged me.

I told him how I ended up writing down what I felt but I wouldn't let him read it. That was just for me.

"It's getting late so I'll be off, talk to you tomorrow for step 2" he said kind of singing the last bit, ah bless him!

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