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"WAKE UP CUNTS, WE'RE GOING OUT ON A FUCKING ADVENTURE" beau bellowed waking The twins and I up.


" no but we like to have fun so get up slut" Beau retorted

I groaned and Luke rolled out of his bed and stood up rubbing his eyes.

So today was the boys day off and as much as i wanted to stay in bed and feel sorry for myself i was dragged out into the outside world by the boys.

" We're at the beach... some adventure Beau" i looked to him and rolled my eyes.

"fucking hell, you're hard to please" he laughed

" not really, leaving me in bed would have pleased me"

" stop being boring " skip nudged me and i very nearly lost my balance.

"ice cream" james said and we all looked at him.

"excuse me?" luke asked.

" over there, i want some" he pointed to the stall some distance away on the beach. All the boys looked, looked at eachother with the same idea and ran. I have never seen so many boys so eager to get icecream... well at least not at their ages.

Jai noticed that i wasn't running and slowed down waiting for me as i walked.

"Don't you want ice cream?" he laughed. I shook my head.

"what about a snack?" he continued and again, i shook my head.

" anything?" i shook it for the third time.

" whats wrong?" he asked putting his hand to my arm and i didn't answer so he began tickling me which caused me to laugh out loud and yell. " I AM FINE, STOP STOP, JAI, HAHAHA IM FINE" he finally stopped and looked into my eyes.

I looked up and instantly felt at home in his eyes. I decided to flick his forhead and run off as quick as i can laughing.

"Hey" he said and sounded so cute before chasing me. Have i mentioned how hard it is to run on sand, i'm not even fast and he was catching up, i ran off the beach and onto the pavement and over to an area where there was a kids play park. i ran to the gate but he got me before i got in.

" gotcha" he laughed picking me up over his shoulder and carrying me into the park causing me to laugh and scream. He placed me down and sat on the swings and sat on the other one and began swinging while he just swayed.

"Remember when lucy got you're box of tissues and ripped them all apart?" he laughed.

" Yes, but what the fuck made you bring that up" i laughed back.

" I just wanted you to laugh again so i thought of a random memory... i love your laugh Abbie, you should laugh more" he sounded so sweet.

" okie dokie you sap" i chuckled blushing like there was no tomorrow.

we sat on these swings for about ten minutes laughing at memories. i was swinging the entire time.

Jai went silent for a moment and i looked over to him and he was reading his phone and smiling. It was clearly her. Jasmine. Let it go Abbie.

I decided to change the subject and ask about what the janoskians had coming up.

" So Jai-"

"wait a second" he said still smiling at the phone.

I felt a sudden rush of anger.

" she's got a nice name hasn't she?" I snapped bringing my swing to a halt.

" what" he looked astonished.

" jasmine, always liked that name, she is pretty too! And she's right, people like you are the reason that people follow their dreams."

" I don't-"

" that's why I'm going to follow mine right now and go find someone who will help me be happy, not go behind my back with other people" I said cutting him off and storming out of the park.

"ABBIE" I heard him running towards me and grabbed my arm to turn me round." It isn't like that"

" for over a week I let it slide, then we are spending time together and you're more interested in texting her than speaking to me.. Charming Jai, really"

"How? What? No!"

" bye" I went to turn away.

" if you let me explain you would understand" he called.

" don't want to hear it" I shouted back.

Done with this bullshit.

Jais POV

As she ran I froze, not knowing what to do. I can see that it looks bad I just. What can I say? Nothing will make this better.

Jasmine was just a friend. But how can I not expect her to get upset? She's sensitive, I am such an idiot. But she didn't understand. I was talking to jasmine for her. Ugh.

"What you doing?" A voice asked and I turned to see beau standing behind me with a puzzled look on his face.

" Abbie" I just said starting at him

" what?" He asked

"Sh-she... I think she hates me" I stuttered because the thought of it hurt me.

What the fuck was I meant to do?
Before beau could even ask what I meant I ran to try and find Abbie. I needed her to know that I wasn't a cheat.

Abbie's POV

I ran and ran and ran. Running was helping and I didn't want to stop, it was like I wasn't even getting out of breath.

I swiftly turned a corner and found my self barging into someone's chest, I looked up and saw Luke looking down at me. Only then was when I realised how out of breath I was and I began crying.

" what's he done" Luke asked in curiosity as he pulled me into a hug. I cried some more. " texting her is more important than even speaking to me. The whole time I was with him today he was looking down at his phone waiting for texts and replying to her, am I not good enough?" I trailed off towards the end. I'm not good enough am I? For anyone.

Luke tried to calm me down but all I could think about right then was why did Jai find me before the pills fully kicked in. I wouldn't be going through this hurt right now. I wished I was dead.

" I don't want to be here anymore" I sobbed into Luke's chest.

" one more day and we're leaving, don't worry about it" he reassured me.

" no I mean here. This fucking world"

He looked at me with a concerned look.
" never say that. None of us could bare to lose you, even Jai as much of a cunt he is. Let me talk to him and see why the fuck he's being such an idiot before you upset yourself even more. Please don't give up" he pleaded with me. I nodded, he's his twin brother so surely he can fix this.. I hope he can.

Luke took me back to the hotel and when I got there, in matter of moments I was asleep on my bed. Sleep is a way out for a few hours.. But then you have to wake up.

Jai Brooks is my HeroWhere stories live. Discover now