Face To Face

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" come on" I told jai, standing up.


"to go see Whitney" I breathed slowly.

" are you sure?" he asked

" nope but lets go anyway. I am safe.. i'm with you."



After about a 5 minute walk we were outside a house where I hadn't been in years, it was The house of Whitney Calderstowe. I shuddered as we approached the front door and I took a deep breath and grabbed jais hand as I knocked.

We waited patiently and eventually a tall girl with black hair appeared at the door with the biggest grin on her face. " well If it isn't Annoying Abbie" she laughed. I didn't say a word. I couldn't. " cat got your tongue? and who's this hottie?" she said looking to jai.. woah too far. Jai is mine.

"he isn't interested. Don't you have josh?" I snapped

" woah honey, slow down. We both know that you do not speak to me like that" she looked at me in a menacing way. I soon shut up.

"Not like you have any authority over her. She can speak to you however." jai retorted looking her dead straight in the eye with a glare.

" well then. what brings you to my doorstep, last time I checked you were gone." she looked back over to me.

" I know you did it."

" did what"

" the fucking grave stone, Whitney" I shouted.

She neared me " Don't fucking shout at me you little-"

"stay the fuck away from her" jai pulled me back and warned Whitney.

" or what?" she played

" unlike your bum buddies, i'm not a girl beater so I don't plan on hitting you if that's what you think but violence isn't the only way to deal with things.." jai smirked. I had no idea where he was going with this but hey, he had a point.

"like what.." she laughed

"ever heard of the Janoskians?" he laughed back. " it takes one fucking tweet to tell the world how cruel you all are"

" oh yes. You're one of them, aren't you? I have heard how fucking stupid you guys are" she smirked

" How fucking dare you. You don't even know them." I shouted.

"I don't fucking need to, they must be stupid, they're friends with you aren't they?" she laughed. " Josh and lew are coming over so you should leave. unless you wanna see them, there hands have missed the feeling of your face colliding with them." she was cackling like a fucking witch now.

"fuck you" I grunted before turning around and walking away with jai.

"We'll see you again, Abbie.. sooner than you think" she called as we walked away.

I fucking hate her.

" You okay?" jai asked

" just angry, a little bit upset.. thanks for doing this with me Jai and for defending me."

" I wouldn't have it any other way" he smiled to me as we walked towards the train station.

I had a strange feeling rush over me. I mean I know it felt weird being back here but that wasn't what it was..

I chose to ignore it and carry on talking to jai.



"wake up we're here" jai shook me. shit I must have fell asleep on the train.

I got up and me and jai exited the train. I was so upset about the grave stones being ruined but I told jai I was fine. We decided that when we got home we would gather everyone and work it all out.

I got that feeling again and stopped dead in my tracks.

"what?" jai asked as I turned around.

" I feel like we are being followed" I looked around, I couldn't see anyone I knew or anyone in particular.

" you're being paranoid babe" he reassured me and we carried on walking.

We walked all the way home.

"Jai, i'm going to nap so can we tell everyone later?" I asked as we neared our houses.

" sure" he smiled. " text me when" he hugged me then I walked up my pathway and he walked towards his.

I walked inside. It was sunday afternoon and the house was empty so Linda must have been at work.

I walked into my room and found an old photo album.

I opened it and looked through the pictures of me and my father and pictures of him and my mother before she had died.

"Why me mum? why me dad? what did I do to deserve all this?" I began to cry.

I layed back on my bed.

" I wish you were here... I wish I was there." I closed my eyes and slowly fell asleep, crying.

Jai Brooks is my HeroWhere stories live. Discover now