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a/n. I'm still fairly new to this, apologies for mistakes but they will be edited in the future if needs be.

Abbies Pov.

Every 16 year old has their problems right.. Then there's me, I am the problem.

I'm an orphan, well now I am anyway, my mother died at child birth and my father was recently murdered. sometimes I wish I was murdered too, then we would all be a family again, i'd meet my mother and be free from this hell hole. Not that I planned on staying in it much longer anyway...

My father had written a will luckily for me, I have been given everything from him, including the house, of course i'm only 16 therefore I can not live alone. My Aunt has been granted full custody over me which means yes I get to leave this shitty home where they dumped me along with many other kids with no families. don't get me wrong, the kids, they're great. But I don't want the fucking careworkers pitty.

so here I am outside my aunties..

"you get the downstairs bedroom, although it may sound rather horrible I have done it up to the best I can." my aunt smiled. "its fine." I responded rather bluntly, opening the door. you will normally not here this from me, and probably never hear this again but my eyes lit up as I peered into the bedroom.

Everything was perfect. Purple walls, cute window seat, double bed, flat screen tv, EVERYTHING was in there, I couldn't help but smile. " actually its more than fine, I think i'm gonna like it here" I told my auntie. oh god i'm sounding more and more like Annie the orphan as I go on.



I woke up on my new bed, but not in it. I must've drifted off to sleep. I looked at my iPhone 5 phone screen to see that i'd been asleep for roughly an hour and then it occurred to me that I could hear my auntie talking to herself. I decided to investigate. " aunt linda" I called. I turned the corner and found my self up against a blue wall. what the- oh wait its not a wall its a person. " I- i'm , sorry.." I looked down and didn't fully look to see exactly who I was infront of , I just knew it was a guy. i'm bad at socialising, i was bullied at my old school.

"its okay, im jai, you must be Abbie." she smiled. " My mother, gina, is your aunts best friend and we two doors down from here" he continued and lifted my head by my chin slightly to bring me to look at him. I was trying to smile, I promise. my eyes met his, not to sound like a sap but oh my he was mighty fine. perfect would be a good way to describe him. "oh yeah" I said looking down again.

" Linda said you were shy. its cute." I blushed at his comment. " so me and my mum are meant to be staying here tonight. my older brother and twin, will be over soon to stay too. our house is getting painted so we need to be out of the way for the next few days. I need a drink" he said this as he held my arm and pulled me towards the kitchen. I wimpered as he did so. " im sorry did I hurt you " I said with a concerned look on his face. my arms sore, I self harm as away of releasing all the internal pain, he just grabbed a sensitive area. " no, you just made me jump" I lied.



i'm in the living room with my aunt, jai and now his two brothers who are also fineeee, however jai is better. I sound so stupid, but its the truth and he's actually really sweet, as are his brothers and mother.

" I need to speak to you." jai told me. shit I couldn't possible done something wrong already, I've only known him 2 hours. he walked into my bed room. and I followed. what the hell is he doing. I sat on the edge of my bed and he sat beside me. "yeah?" I asked, signifying that I wanted to know what he wanted. " oh ahah I was just kinda bored. I wanted to know if you wanted to get out of here since you also looked bored." jai was definitely blushing at this point. I was bored. And he was hot. now I know I don't do getting close to people, but I need a friend to survive, and hes really nice. "sure, what's our excuse?" I smiled.



First chapter. sorry if its not all that interesting. I know how the start of books aren't as good as the actual interesting stuff that goes on after the beginning which is why I've tried to keep it as quick and snappy as possible.



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