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They let Gulf cried that night not knowing what's the reason behind those tears. Morning came and both Mild and Saint are getting ready for school but Gulf is still laying at bed covered by blanket.

Mild shook his arm "Gulf wake-up it's almost 7am and our class will starts at 8am. Please stand up there we already bought food for breakfast"

but they only hear "Hmmfff" from Gulf. Saint walk towards Gulf to remove the blanket, when he removes it. He saw Gulf is sweaty and looking pale. He asked Mild to hand the thermometer to check their friends temperature.

"Mild can you hand me the thermamometer, i think gulf isn't feeling well".

Mild gave the thermometer, and within a seconds Saint check the temp. But Gulf's temperature isn't normal. It's "38.2°c" Oh no!
"Mild, Gulf's have a fever i think... and he's very hot right now. Please hand me the paracetamol there in the cabinet there near the table"

They give Gulf a medicine to reduce the fever and they help him to eat the porridge. The two can't leave their friends but they have quiz for today. So they leave gulf with spare food and medicine.

"Gulf, please take this medicine after six hours and this porridge also. I will be back at lunch time, i will ditch afternoon class" said Saint.

The two leave the dorm to go to the school. They are talking while walking when they saw Mew with Mint they are very clingy to each other. At the entrance Mint leave Mew since she needs to wait for her friends. Mew was walking when Saint snatch his bag, to grab the attention of the older.

"Mew, what did you do to Gulf?" said Saint

Mew only replied with "Huh?"

"Mew, Gulf is crying last night for whatever reason, we don't know. And this morning he have a high fever" Mild explained.

Mew was shocked knowing his baby angel is not feeling well and he cried? did i make him cry last night? Oh no! this is bad Mew! you hurt your baby. First i need to calm down.

"I don't know if he cried because of me, but can you say your dorm room number? I will visit and take care of him, did he already take medicine? or did he eat any food?"

Mew is really worried, but Saint and Mild just rolled their eyes but deep inside they are having argument with their mind if they will let Mew visit and take care of Gulf.

"Please Mew, don't mess up with Gulf. He's not feeling well right now." Saint said in annoyed tone.

"No Saint, Please let me take care of him. I'm not be a good friend to him, but atleast i care."

with that Saint and Mild just nod and hand over the spare key of the dorm.

"Room 69, Just take care of him. Don't make him feel annoyed or bad"

"Thank you Mild and Saint, I will"

Mew didn't attend his morning class because he's heading to Gulf's place. After he knew that he's not feeling well. While on the way he buy meds and some chicken soup and garlic bread for gulf.

Mew POV:

It's 8:30am when i arrived at his dorm. I knocked multiple times but he didn't answer me. So i open the door with the spare key that Mild and Saint gave to me. I was able to opened the door but the place was too dark. The lights are off, so i open one of the light and there he is. I saw Gulf from his bed. He is laying flatly covered with his blanket. I came near him and check him. I removed the blanket but he's already awake. He blinked his puffy eyes few more times before he speak.
"What are you doing here? Can you just get out"

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