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I woke up and saw Mew is kissing my tummy. It's ticklish but i love it. I stand and he help me to put my clothes on. I'm getting used to it.

"Love i forgot to say this, Mom wants to meet you. As i told you she already knows about us. Is it okay for you to meet my family?" I asked Mew.

"I'm okay meeting your family baby, but i'm nervous. You know what if they don't want me for you?" Mew said in worried voice.

I hugged him. "Love, as long as i'm happy, they will accept you." I said

"Okay baby, let's meet them. Let me know when and where so i can get ready." He kissed me in the forehead.

We settle ourselves here in the dining area while Mew is thinking what should he cook. Then he asked me. "Baby, what do you want to eat since you know, you have cravings".

"Hmp... wait lemme think love." I was thinking  what should we eat.

"Love, i want Pizza with a lots of cucumber and patato and Grape shake, that's it." I said. But Mew looked at me as if i'm joking.

"Are you serious baby?" He asked.

I have my weird cravings. But is that too much to ask for it? I badly want it right now.

"It's okay Mew if you don't want me to buy those food. I can skip my meals." I drink the water and ready to leave when he hugged me at the back.

"Baby, i just asked you. I'm just worried what if you suffer from stomach ache if you ate those foods." Mew said.

"But me and your cherry here wants to eat those food" I pouted at him.

"Cherry? Okay I will buy it for you. Just please don't make me feel bad. Don't pout. I can't resist your cuteness baby."

"Yes i will call him/her cherry for the mean time since it's just small baby in my tummy. I love youuuu so much daddy" I said.

"Okay, i need to find some fast food or restaurants that sells those kind of food. Wait me here baby, I'll be quick." Mew said and he kissed me in the lips. I can stop blushing. I look like a red tomato. He gets his car keys and leave me here at the condo. While waiting i found a photobook of him. I saw his baby picture. How cute he is. I hope our baby will look after him. Handsome and tall. Mew left his phone. I decided to look at his gallery. I think i made a bad decision cause i saw a lot of photo of him with random ladies and gays in different bed. I feel jealous at this time. I just lay down in the bed while crying.

After 30 minutes, Mew arrived with boxes of pizza and paper bags of food in his hand. I can smell it but i feel sad. I'm being emotional because of this hormones. I heard Mew voice calling me.

"Baby, where are you?" He walks towards me.  And he saw me crying.

"Sorry baby if i took so long, don't cry. Here's your Pizza with a lots of cucumber and potato and your grapes shake. I ordered 2 servings each." He's smiling at me. But the tears betrayed me and i keep crying.

"Hey Baby, talk to me. What's wrong? Please get up and eat or should i carry you until the dining area?" Mew asked being patient with me.

I showed him his phone with the photos i saw earlier. He's shocked. I know i didn't give him privacy.

"I just saw this photos Mew. Why did you even capture those photos? You didn't love me huh? I don't have photos there" I said while crying.

"Uhm baby come here, that's not it. When we did some bed exercise you know- they always want to take a photo of me with them. I didn't delete it cause i used to it. I don't have your photos here cause you are my love not my fuck buddy or play thing. You're different from them I love you but they are just a short time happiness." Mew came near me and hugged me tight.

"You can delete it baby." After he said that i deleted all those photos and I took a selfie and made it as his phone lock screen. I'm happy now.

"If you're done with that let's eat baby, while food is still hot." Mew said.

I walk towards the dining area. I saw the two boxes of pizza with a lot of cucumber and potato and also the grape shake. I'm drooling. I took a sip. Ohhhh heaven! it's really good. I took a bite of pizza. Well it's really delicious i can eat the whole box of it.

"Why don't you eat love?" I asked Mew whose staring at me while eating.

"I'm still full and I will just re-heat the lasagna i bought. Enjoy your food baby." Mew said and kissed my cheeks. I'm so happy that Mew always there for me. He really loves me.

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