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Today is my check-up in OB. I'm very excited and I know Mew's too. It's still early in the morning and my boyfriend is sleeping peacefully maybe he's tired since we did 3 rounds of love session last night. I'm excited too for Mew since mom and dad will be here later, he will able to meet them.

I don't have anything to do while waiting for Mew to wake up. I just want to prepare our breakfast first. I decided to proceed at kitchen to check what to cook for breakfast. I want chicken soup and sausage sandwich. I look at the fridge and saw the sausage there. It's long but not thick and fat like Mew's sausage in his lower part of the body. I giggled, did i just compare this sausage to his dick? Okay that's enough for this horny bitch. I started to cook the chicken soup followed by the sausage sandwich. While Frying the sausage someone hugged me from the back while snipping my nape and neck. I feel the electricity in my body.

"Good morning baby!" Mew greeted me.

"Good morning daddy" I said and he look at me and shower my cheeks from kisses.

"Do you crave for sausage?" He asked

"aAhm...Kind of" I replied

"But you already eat the huge,thick and juicy sausage last night." Mew teased me.

"Love stop teasing me"

"You even moaned my name while my sausage is inside you" He teased me again. I just rolled my eyes and slap his hand.

"Stop this daddy, it's better if you help me with preparing the utensils and plates, Please" I look at him and he just nod and then start to prepare for breakfast. I love the smell of sausage and i can see the cheese there.

After a minute we're already here at the dining area and eating our breakfast.

"Baby, i'm nervous meeting your parents" Mew said

"Don't be nervous love they will definitely like you." I replied to him. I want to assure him that my parents doesn't have a problem with this kind of things.

"Okay baby" but he's still pouting in front of our breakfast.

After eating, we decided to take a bath together to save time since my parents is almost there. We'll just meet them there at Dr. Suppaporn consultation room in the hospital. Mew wants to enter me while we're taking a shower. This naughty and horny guy!!! Arrgghh.. But i just stopped him cause i don't want to walk like a duck and i still feel sore down there. After taking shower we quickly dress ourselves and drive to hospital where my parents are waiting.

At the hospital

I saw my mom and dad in the waiting area. They are wearing a bright smile on their face. I quickly hugged both of them. I really miss my parents. They hugged me tight and even showered me with kisses.

"Mom Dad this is Mew my boyfriend" I introduced him to my parents and he wai-ed to them as respect.

"Hello Ma'am and Sir, Nice to meet you. I'm Mew" I feel his nervous around my parents.

"Hi Mew, you look handsome." My mom hugged Mew and he is shock.

"Just call us Mom and Dad, no need for formality." My dad said while he give hug to my boyfriend and tapped his back.

"Okay Mom Dad" Mew said smiling at my parents.

"Mom Dad i think we need to go inside since my schedule is 9am. Let's go" I said.

We walked at the OB-Gyne room and Dr. Suppaporn greeted us. I'm really excited at the moment.

"Good morning Doc" We greeted him

"Good morning! and Gulf how's your feeling this past week?" He asked me straight

"I'm doing good Doc." I replied to him.

"Okay let's proceed to check-up. For now we can't identify the gender but we can see your baby's condition" Dr. Suppaporn said and asked the nurse to help him out.

" Yes doc, I'm excited"

Dr.Suppaporn ask me to lay down in hospital bed. Because he will run the ulta sound to check my baby.

"Is he your husband Gulf?" Doctor asked me.

"Not yet doc but he's the father of my baby." I replied.

"I'm Mew, Nice to meet you Doctor" Mew said.

"Okay Mew, can you help Gulf to remove his top clothes." Dr Suppaporn asked him

Mew helped me to remove my shirt. After a minute the doctor apply a cold gel in my tummy. And there he is smiling widely at us.

"Can you see the two seeds there *pointed on the screen monitor* these are your babies." Dr. Suppaporn said

"Babies?" Mom, Dad and Mew said in unison. I was shocked too.

"Yes babies, Gulf you're having a twins. Congratulations!" I was really happy while Dr. Suppaporn said this to me. I thought it was a dream. I started to cry and Mew hugged me while he's crying too. My dream family will come true. I saw my parents are smiling at me.

"Congratulations son" my parents greeted me.

After that we thanked Dr. Suppaporn he just said same thing that i need to avoid stress. Then we need to come back for monthly check-ups. After 5-6months we will able to know the gender of our babies.

We're here at Mew's condo with my parents. We just grab some foods at the restaurants  to eat here. I'm happy that my parents accepts Mew. We enjoyed the day with talking and bonding. I can feel Mew is happy right now.

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