Wan: Suspecious Finances🕷️

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Akutagawa finally snapped awake from what seemed to be the longest slumber to the concerned face of his blonde colleague

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Akutagawa finally snapped awake from what seemed to be the longest slumber to the concerned face of his blonde colleague.

"Akutagawa-san! You're finally up," Ichiyo heaved a sigh of relief. "It's a good thing the poisonous spider didn't scurry off before we could get an antidote."

The ailed being hummed dismissively, eyes glued forward.

"Do you know who could possibly send a spider with a bonsai tree? As a gift, no less?" The blonde turned her eyes to the tree peculiarly, "whoever it was, they seemed to know your dislike to the tree."

Akutagawa hummed in acknowledgement, eyes fluttered shut as one person came to mind.


"Dazai-san," you called the lazy agent.

He stretched like a cat on the sofa before turning to you with a satisfied sleepy, grin, "ahh~! Your voice should be a ringtone!"

"Why did you buy a bonsai tree and a..." you trailed off, looking for the whatever else you were accusing him of.

"A mouse spider?" Dazai willingly offered, hands on his cheeks as he watched you with adoration, roses and pink sentiments buzzing off his being.

"Yes, why were they purchased end the agency's name?"

"Aww~ don't worry about that, just come sit on my lap!" the trickster tapped his lap with an expectant look.

For a moment, you stood there.


Whether it was your very existence you contemplated or actually accepting the invitation, you didn't wish confess.

But you turned around and left the pouting man to whine at the cruelty.

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