Fukuzawa's Order

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"Who's to say that I'm truly the person you're looking for?"

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"Who's to say that I'm truly the person you're looking for?"

Your question was like the slow ascension of ice, cold water on Kunikida's nerves. The way you so casually conversed with him had got to be the second most irritating thing he's ever come to experience.

Since the wailing flirt was out of the picture, the two of you seem to be right at each other's throats.

The tension was so high that the drop of a needle could probably trigger an all-out argument.

Miraculously, the head of the agency had chosen the perfect moment to make an appearance, just right before Kunikida could open the gates of Hell on someone as selfish and completely ignorant of the ropes to justice as you are.

A single glance your way was all the aged man needed to understand the current situation. Hevordered you while making his way to his office, "come with me."

Before the blond detective could protest, Fukuzawa Yukichi added, "no objections from you or anyone in this room."

Hesitantly, you stood up and followed the man to his office as relief washed over your worn out nerves. The only salvation to your agony had finally come to the rescue.

You just hoped this would turn out to be nothing worthy of ripping your hair over.

Right after you closed the door, you stepped towards the desk of a seated, serene man and, instantly worked on untangling the mess you're in, "what's the meaning of this? How come they're looking for me?"

You thought that these questions were enough, but more came gushing in and you couldn't help but voice them out, "did someone report me? It's only natural if that was the case, but... for the agency to know this much about me, who is it?"

Fukuzawa Yukichi calmly replied, "I issued the order."

Many thoughts went through your head.

You didn't know how to take this.

There was the desperation that this might be a misunderstanding yet with all that has taken place, what you strongly feared seemed to become clearer and clearer the more you questioned the situation.

"B-but, why? I don't understand."

"You have to stop before corrupting this city."

Looking for an answer, your eyes ran all over the limited field of your vision. More than anyone, you knew affiliating yourself with an agency that works for the sole purpose of enforcing the law would one day be the very end of you.

But for this day to come this quickly and right when you're working on a request from them?

"What are you talking about? Corruption? I didn't get famous enough to be requested by high profiles," you chuckled in-between the sentences.

"We haven't agreed that you would take their requests, to begin with."

"And I haven't agreed on being monitored by your agency either."

"(L/N)," Fukuzawa called your name with a threatening tone.

Your obstinacy wouldn't allow you to shrink under his tone and gaze, regardless of the shiver you felt.

Though, your reaction might seem like someone who's simply talking about the weather, you still displayed a strong undertone. "No, don't speak to me like that. Let me remind you, this criminal you're trying to stop is doing the same corrupted work for the sake of gathering information your esteemed detectives aren't capable of getting their hands on."

The man released a soft sigh as he closed his eyes and loosened his posture, "for that, you have my gratitude, but you crossed the line with your recent job."

Dropping yourself on one of the chairs situated before Fukuzawa, you spoke sarcastically with a hint of frustration, "Fukuzawa-san, I rarely get any requests as of late. You should know better than anyone that angels won't be requesting someone like me."

"But we are, shouldn't that be enough?" He asked looking up at you with a neutral expression.

You raised your arms in disbelief and sat on the edge of the chair, "yeah and by the time you think of needing me, I'd be homeless. Besides, you can't restrict me to your agency."

"(L/N) (Y/N), the moment you accepted a job from this agency was the moment you agreed to refuse any jobs related to the official affairs of this city. Yet, you did. I cannot allow you to go on like this. You have of two options: either you join the agency and work under our supervision or surrender yourself to the Police Officers waiting outside of this building, as we speak."

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