Fear and Intrigue

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"Did you get it?"

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"Did you get it?"

"Uh... I will remind you, sir. There's no such thing as strengthening one's ability, my theory is based on physically enhancing gifted individuals which in tur-"


The call of your name struck like a hazardous blizzard, freezing you whole from attempting another protest. Even if your morality challenged to speak, your instinct overpowered it.

The shudder of every injury inflected on your body, rendered you speechless before the very man that caused them. They were all results of your training, but that doesn't neglect the incredible power this man possesses.

Arata ran his greedy eyes over the report as he read, "side effects: fatal cellular damage." His eyes lifted to yours temporarily before resuming his reading silently.

"Um... If I may," you began timidly, "the injections will stimulate the cells to synthesise ATP, energy, increasing the individual's physical strength during combat. As a result," your voice rose to emphasise on the side effects, "just like the overuse of machines, cells will be exploited and, sooner than you'd like to imagine, rupture. With no functional cells, the organs won't function which will lead to the slow, painful death of the subject."

"Fix it," Arata demanded placing the report neatly on his desk. "Make a sedater or something," he suggested as if it were the simplest solution. "Slow the process."

Surrendering to his stubbornness and unquestionable command, your head dropped to the ground before your executive.



"Finally back on Earth."

Lifting your head from the mess of books and papers, your dull eyes met the bright ones belonging to a teenage boy. He was seated lazily on the sofa, laptop on his stomach while staring at you with pursed lips and a slow, disapproving shake of his head, "we made a deal last time, remember? I call on you once and you take the first airship back from memory lane."

It's been a year since you've unwillingly injected the Mafiosi under Arata's execution with your stimulate. Much to your dismay, this boy, one you cared for dearly, was indiscriminately one of the subjects.

And was wearing one of your skirts.

"Why..." you sighed, massaging your temples, "are you wearing my skirt... again?"

"What? You're only upset because I look cuter wearing it than you do," he mumbled.

Eventually, he figured that jests weren't his forte today with your foul mood, thus another excuse was made, "Yokohama is currently assuming the structure of a massive oven, so I figured if I was gonna get burned to death, I should go with style."

Rolling your eyes, you left the living room and went straight to the kitchen unaware that you were being followed.

"Oooh, what's for lunch?"

"You might want to give your eyes a break every once in a while," you advised as you grabbed different ingredients out of the fridge.

"It's okay. You got me the laptop, what's so hard about getting glasses? I bet I'd look cute."

As you bent to grab onto a pan, you paused with a frown, "I really do spoil you, don't I?"

"Hey, it's not like you don't benefit," he protested. "I taught you A LOT about computers, didn't I?"

"And how will I benefit from you wearing glasses?"

He shrugged, "consequences?"

Triggered by his reply, you stood before the stove and repeated softly to yourself, "consequences..."

It's true that a year has passed with all the members alive and well, but as days go by some members prove to face some difficulties in their daily lives.

The sedater is starting to lose its affect.

They were just getting closer to their deaths and at this point, a miracle is all you needed to save them. Unfortunately, instead of that, you were doomed to live counting the days to their demise.

"What are you afraid of?"

The question crashed you back to earth when you astonishingly turned to meet the boy standing right next to you.

'Your death,' you could hear the answer repeat over and over in your thoughts.

"Umm..." you gulped and top a step back attempting to place a hand on the counter for support but found nothing in your surroundings, except him.

"What are you afraid of?" his repeated question echoed in the empty space.

"The sea."

He scowled at you, "but you said: it intrigued you."

The air had suddenly become too thick, making you hyperventilate and hold onto your chest. "Yes," you nodded and uttered, "it intrigues... and frightens me."


"I..." you breathed, "I could never know what happens under that shallow surface. It's suffocating just staring at it... I don't know..." your hands clutched your hair as you voiced your concern, "I didn't know when you'd leave me! I didn't know what you'd think! What you'd say!"

With watery eyes locked on his, you whispered as everything vanished:

"I just didn't know... and it scared me.

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