Teddy Bear

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Twenty minutes later, you were dressed, hair dried and your smell was far from fish and salt

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Twenty minutes later, you were dressed, hair dried and your smell was far from fish and salt. This appearance was the first step to maintain your inner turbulence and after deeply inhaling your scent, you figured it was kicking off to a good start.

Nothing seemed to disturb the tranquillity of your mind as you exited the bathroom, not Dazai, the agency or your past. All that was in high demand was a day of hibernation- an escape from your thoughts and a recurring depression. However, instead of finding an empty sofa to drop on, you found a certain somebody seated, blocking your path to physical and mental peace.

It might've been the steamy water that had calmed your muscles or the mesmerising decent of the sun that kept darkening the flat, lulling you into a sedative, pre-dreamlike state. Whichever it was, it was certainly the cause behind your lack of a reaction.

Perhaps, if it weren't for your body's constant increase in heaviness, you'd have unleashed hell upon that bandaged man, but you were too tired, too surrendered.

You dragged your feet to the sofa and dropped next to him, remaining silent for a while. Your hands pulled down your shorts effortlessly in an attempt to maintain your modesty. Besides that, you were too drugged with haziness to engage in any activity, not even conversation. Dazai on the other hand, despite his closed eyes and head rested on the sofa's frame, he was awake and very aware of you.

What could Dazai possibly have in mind by staying here other than to exhaust you to the brink of death? You hadn't the slightest idea, but you were more than grateful for his silence. His presence, however, could be appreciated on one occasion your faint mind demanded.

You worked on introducing the idea as casually as possible, even though you knew it won't practically be easy. "Can we have a moment of show-and-no-tell?" you whispered timidly, drawing lines on your thighs and thanking every ounce in you for that flawlessly pronounced question.

Dazai had only hummed and then ask, "and what might that be?"

"Uh... You can start by assuming the role of a big, silent Teddy bear..." and before he could reply, you impatiently wrapped your arms around his waist and buried your face in his chest. You feared he might turn this simple gesture into a circus show if you didn't take the initiative. On the other hand, Dazai had stirred a little, clearly taken aback by your behaviour as you decided to turn a blind eye to anything he might have in store and devote your soul to his warmth.

Lucky for you, all the man could manage to do is regain the breath that was taken away from him and compose himself to be the most welcoming Teddy bear any girl could ask for while wearing a smile even he didn't know was capable of making.

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