Lover Boy

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"She has better things to do," Kunikida admonished

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"She has better things to do," Kunikida admonished.

Phew, almost died.

You wiggled out of a heartbroken Dazai and pinpointed the dreadful sight of paperwork on your desk.

Dazai turned to the Ideal Fanboy with narrowed, judging eyes as he grumbled, "Kunikida-kun! Stop bullying our newest member!"

Kunikida ceased typing for a moment as his glasses shone, "aren't you eager to be next."

As the two men engaged in a verbal battle of wits, you seated yourself grumpily while staring daggers at your work.

Is it even acceptable to give someone new and not fully trustworthy that amount of work? No, that's only work the members find trivial and wish to not waste their energy on.

The sound of a ringing bell originated from your bag. Not heeding any mind to it, you stared off the distance as the voices of Dazai and Kunikida continued filling the place.

You needed a moment to contemplate on this life before you're willing to have another person have their chance to toss you around in whatever direction they wanted.

Just a moment to energise and then resume being a kiss ass.

"Mornin', (L/N)-san!"

Sighing, you turned your eyes to Atsushi and smiled, "morning, Darling."

The teen smiled shyly in return and sunk into his seat.

After getting blessed by how cute Atsushi can be, you finally decided to answer the device's notification from a moment ago.



What are you doing??

You instantly searched the internet for: "Top ten most romantic poems."


Re-reading Emily Dickinson's Wild Nights while thinking of you...


Aww, that's a pretty suggestive poem though...

Tilting your head to the side at his reply, you wracked your brain for a reply but failed miserably. Saving you from this hitch was the notification sound of yet another delivered text.


Well, I guess you'd know that ;)


What are you wearing?


You looked down at your attire.

Typical trousers, an oxford shirt and a cashmere sweater.

He knows that you're a simple free-lancer and thus won't be playing employee in your home.

Definitely no to that outfit.

One mistake could ruin it all for you and that's really not needed now, not when you're so close to getting the information.

Just one more day will end this entire ordeal.


Now that you mention it...

Kinda got caught into browsing the internet for longer than I anticipated xD

Forgot that I'm still in my towel from a shower I took an hour ago (〃 ̄ω ̄〃ゞ

Should I say I'm eating cherries on the bed, too?

As you held onto that thought, you felt two hands on your shoulder and a voice right next to your ear.

"Boy, that would turn me on."


Instinctively, you held your phone against your chest protectively, hiding it from the nosy male.

Dazai pouted adorably, "what? I'm just encouraging you."

You were too flustered to even respond, so he took the initiative to clarify himself. The brunet straightened his back and shrugged, "not like a professional would need that anyways."

As calculations to whether that is a good or bad thing to be said to a woman were going through your head, the phone rang loudly throughout the agency getting the attention of almost everyone present.

"Oya~! He's not the patient type, is he?"

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