Heart Failure

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"What?! No way!" you protested, wrinkling up your nose, "I can see a

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"What?! No way!" you protested, wrinkling up your nose, "I can see a...a very healthy manifestation of fungi."

"Come on, let's do it together then~!" He encouraged crouching down next to you and taking your hand.

After looking at your hand and then at his cheerfully radiant face, you said, "That's not what I had in mind when you said that."

You thought he'd hold one edge and you'd hold the other but apparently the world works differently when it comes to Dazai. A good example can be displayed in this situation, where he's holding only the top of your hand and forcing it down into the drawer.

This is what Dazai calls teamwork.

"How else would we do it?" the amusement in his voice danced in the form of a teasing whisper to your ear as it served its purpose in making you aware of the close proximity. As a result, you became highly conscious of your body's mission to fry the circuits of your brain.

Naturally, you didn't take long to take action and save your brain from a cruel of a Dazai overdose by, willingly, taking the sheet of gum off and tossing it aside.

It was simply getting harder and harder attempting to deal with the bandaged man effect on your body. Due to your line of job, being close to a man wasn't always required but when it's unavoidable, the process seems as natural as breathing.

However, Dazai's presence begs to differ. It had eventually wrecked down your immunity to block any feelings from surfacing when you found yourself in these types of situations. On the bright side, however, you were more than certain that they were nothing more than physical. And you, desiring peace of mind, dismissed them as normal since it's human nature.

And it's Dazai.

Whatever they were, you just begged every sensible fibre of your mind to fight of any shady emotions from smacking you in the face.

Lord knows that's the last thing you'd want to feel towards any human.

"See? That wasn't too hard! There really was something after all," Dazai acknowledged gazing at the envelopes.

You nodded while secretly wiping your hand on Dazai's trench coat, "of course, so easy!"

"I felt that," he muttered in disdain.

"Too bad," you displayed a fake sympathetic look trying to be a savage for once and retrieve all the points you had lost to Dazai in the past, only to get completely off guard by him. The crafty man casually caught hold of your hand and pressed the tips of your fingers against the mischievous curve of his lips.

Just like that, he was able to trap you in time and space.

Everything ceases its function, except the frantic beating of your heart. The only thing that's felt beating against your eardrums while your soul is being sucked to the chest of his possessions.

Gaining sense of yourself, your gaze darts to the envelopes as the next closest object to occupy your mind. With a soft, devious chuckle, the devil finally lets go of your hand and comments innocently, "Well, they didn't smell sickening. So it was okay~!"

"You can't justify that as 'okay'! Next time, you're doing the dirty work!" you grumped trying desperately to make what happened a trivial turn of events.

"Oh, I will," Dazai appealed offering your imagination a spin to planet sin. "But for now, let's check these goodies!" He gushed in enthusiasm taking a hold of the envelopes. The aftermath was like a rude awakening to your flustered being.

You just knew that you'll die of heart-failure someday.

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