About Last Night...

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Filling your lungs with a new batch of air was the only way you could rewind mentally and physically from the overwhelming previous events

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Filling your lungs with a new batch of air was the only way you could rewind mentally and physically from the overwhelming previous events.

Now that your mind held clear thoughts and body sturdy, your hand clasped Dazai's outstretched one firmly.

You were willing to accept his help but you weren't going to let anything that had happened or will happen affect your resolve.

Accepting his help isn't weakness, it's simply using the resources you have at your disposal to get out of here. However, the way Dazai had effortlessly pulled you to your feet and into the cage of his arms weakened you into a woman you never thought to be.

One that is dependent on a man to protect her.

It was unfamiliar and you didn't know how to feel about it; but, it wasn't degrading your capabilities when you thought it would, it was somehow glorifying them.

As if it were saying, 'it's alright now, you did well.'

Mystical was the moment until Dazai worked on what he did best: ruining it. "I'm merely showing my gratitude for last night."

"Last night?" you questioned with a straight face stepping back from him. "I don't remember."

It took mere seconds for your brain to recollect the events of that sinful night resulting in the gradual change of red hues on your indifferent face.

Dazai turned to the side and snorted comically.

"J-jerk!" you stuttered dropping the clueless act and pointing an accusing finger at him while covering your chest defensively. "How could you sleep with a drunk woman?!"

Dazai pouted childishly, "how could I not?" He then shrugged and, turning away from you, casually voiced the painful truth, "I couldn't resist when you're the one who started it."

You were speechless since there's no denying it.

"It served me right, though. I was stressed out and last night helped. Perfectly," Dazai flaunted and turned to you with a thumb's up and a wink.

Before you could lose the last thread of sanity remaining in you, you whispered assuringly to yourself, "it will all be in the past."

"You think?" Dazai questioned, "I don't think I'll be forgetting that."

"It's inevitable. The Dazai I know doesn't know that this happened."

"Don't you think because it hadn't happened until last night?"

"That doesn't make sense," you replied quizzically, partly frustrated that your energy is being exerted on this kind of topic. "If something happens in your past, you ought to remember it in the future even if you don't recall actually doing it."

"You never know~!" He sang merrily retracing your path to Arata's base. "Then again, it's satisfying that at least one of us will remember," his last line was awfully suggestive, striking the hidden meanings behind the marks on your body.

Dazai didn't want you to forget a second of it and the heated parts of your body igniting from memory were evidence of his success.

"Nothing special to be remembered," you mumbled following him with small steps. It was a lie and you knew it, but you thought vocalising it might make it believable to Dazai and, more importantly, to you.

Unbeknownst to you, the bandaged man displayed a knowing grin spread mischievously on his face. "I've been with women before, (F/N)," he started giving your name a special melody, wrecking the calm beats of your heart. "but none of them were as passionate as you."

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