The Sour Look of Things

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"Nice try," you deadpanned, not in the mood to humour the executive's suicidal tendencies

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"Nice try," you deadpanned, not in the mood to humour the executive's suicidal tendencies.

Even though Dazai was a younger, shorter and more intimidating version of himself, he was still goofy and suicidal. Though the goofy part rarely surfaced since you've met him in this timeline. Nonetheless, you felt somewhat comforted by the familiarity.

The executive chuckled lightly to himself, "as much as I'd hate to admit, this isn't a request, it's an obligation. Think about it, no two identical souls exist in this world and, according to him, one of the two will be erased for the sake of the natural order. So unless you want the wrong soul to be erased, you have to volunteer to be the one to die."

"Aha... wait, what?!" you exclaimed as the fact hit you.

You never thought of this since well you never thought to kill yourself, so to a suicidal person, that must've been an easy conclusion.

"Or you can live on, lose your future or your past. Either way you'll vanish," Dazai elaborated confidently, "death seems like a nice option, in my opinion."

He's right.

If you disappear, then she, the you currently working for the Mafia, will cease to exist since she'll have no future.

If she disappears, then you will disappear since you'll have no past.

She is your past and you are her future.

One can't go on without the other.

It's quite complicated but disastrous in both cases.

Death, indeed, is a blessing, then.

"And here we are."

"Huh?" you focused in on the details of the building that seemed to be Arata's base. "Oh..."

Dazai gave one last look to the building, assuring that no one was nearby, before he turned to you with the expectant look of a puppy, "so? What will you do? Should we break in?"

A sweat-drop slid down your head, "why would you want to break in when you're an executive?"

"It's fun?" the child in him questioned twisting a lock-picking pin between his fingers.

"We're not breaking in..." You muttered turning away from the building as to not change your decision. "I've made up my mind, I won't do anything."

At that, Dazai took a serious tone and straightened up his posture, "you don't seem too convinced."

"I'm not. Sometimes doing the right thing can be hard," you mumbled, heaving a sigh afterwards. "This is my chance to bury my past properly."

Before the stoic face Dazai had could be altered in anyway for his response, a large crash came from the other side of the building, startling the both of you.

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