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I quickly zipped up my duffle bag that contained everything I really needed

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I quickly zipped up my duffle bag that contained everything I really needed. I didn't want to over pack, I know I could buy everything else when I arrive in Italy.

I always dreamed of traveling the world. I never wanted to do something so bad, but no matter how many chances I had I never went. I always backed out of everything because I was scared. I'm not scared anymore. For the first time in my life I'm doing what I want.

I felt a vibration come from my right back pocket, I pulled my phone out seeing my best friend, Lainey had sent a text.

I'm here. Hurry!!

I put my phone back into my pocket, walking over to my bedroom window. I open it, grab the duffel bag and throw it out the window. I watch it land on the front lawn as Lainey gets out of her. She runs over to the back then places it into her trunk.

My escape had to be quick and easy. I can't wake my mother up. It was just about 3:30 am. Lainey purchased the earliest plane tickets available. There is so much more to see in this world and we didn't want to be stuck in this town any longer. Lainey and I have been saving for this since we were teenagers. We would always imagine ourselves sitting out on a beach, in a different country, laughing as we drank margaritas. We deserve this and now is the perfect time for us to leave and never look back.

I tiptoe over to my door, slowly opening as a soft squeak echoes throughout the empty hallway. Fuck. I immediately stop what I am doing and glance down the hallway to check if I woke my mother up. After staring into the darkness for a couple of moments I let out a sigh of relief. Pulling the door open a bit quicker this time, I slither out of my room and quietly close my door. My heart is pounding outside of my chest.

I never thought the day I left this stupid town would come. Starting over is something everyone wishes they could do. I'm lucky enough to be given this fresh start. It's only for three months but I knew this summer would be unforgettable.

Lainey and I had the next year planned out. We are going to spend our summer in Italy, fall in the Netherlands, winter in the United Kingdom then Ireland, and spring in Spain. I don't know how we will manage to afford all of this since we don't have a penny to our names, however we decided to just save up for Italy right now then see how the summer goes.

What's the worst that can happen?

Finally making it out of my front door I see Lainey sitting in the driver's seat, her hand eagerly motioning for me to get in the car. I give her a nod and a weak smile while putting my hood up and walk over to her car. Before I open the car door I turn around to take one last look at the house I grew up in.


Who really is to tell me that a home is a place? I stare at the distinctively looking home in front of me. The longer I look back I realize how this house never was a home. A home is supposed to be full of love and laughter yet all this home was full of is tears and pain. A part of me hates that it doesn't feel like home. I hated how I had so many reasons to hate it.

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