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Over 10k words in this chapter. This is the longest chapter I have ever written and it's mainly smut. I had to go out with a big bang for this one ;) Enjoooooooy <3

 I had to go out with a big bang for this one ;) Enjoooooooy <3

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My eyes admired the colors of the sky above. The radiant ombre of orange and pink brought pure happiness to my soul. The pink soon meshes together with the nighttime blue. The colors resemble the sun and moon. That way when the two colors collided, it was as if they were giving each other a hug. The moon and sun loved each other so much that they rested when it was time to let the other shine. They've never made contact, the only way being the beautiful display of colors during a sunset or sunrise. Right now I was witnessing a lovers' quarrel in the sky.

Love was in the air tonight.

I glanced over to Harry who was lying on his stomach beside me. His attention was lost inside a magazine, reading about wines all across the country. The rays of the sun shine down on us as it sets for the evening. Harry's bare back bathes beneath the sun and I swear his skin glistens within the golden light.

Raising my hand, I stretch my arm over until my fingers are met with his back. He hums softly from the touch, and a small grin curls on his lips. I fold my lips inward, rolling onto my side. The tips of my fingers began tracing over his golden back. For some reason, I write my name in cursive, not in a possessive way but in a way that he has burned me forever. And I know he felt the same.

As my tip curves along his skin, my eyes flit over to watch Harry's reaction. His eyes feathered shut while his breathing became slower. The magazine he had in his hands started falling back. His body has entirely relaxed due to the small contact we shared. Harry lowly hums, the sound telling me he was enjoying my doodles. These moments always tend to be my favorites. Usually, I'm tracing his tattoos and asking countless questions as to what they all meant to him. I had never written my name before, and for some reason, it sent flutters to my stomach. Perhaps one day I could trace a tattoo of his that was about me.

After my name is complete, I raise my hand up to the sky. The palm of my hand blocks the sunlight from my vision. I then spread them open slightly, keeping my ring finger and pinky together as well as my middle and index fingers. I began playing a game of peek-a-boo with it, closing my fingers for a second to end up peeking back through to admire the bright star.

"La mia dolce ragazza," Harry purrs, making me roll my head over to meet his stare.

He lays on his back now with one of his hands behind his head. My eyes trickle down to glance at his chest tattoos and water forms inside my mouth. A craving comes over me as I fold my lips inward to try and resist it. Raising my knees up, I begin to spread my legs slightly hoping to tease Harry a bit.

Immediately he takes notice, his sits himself up with his eyes glued to the soft movements of my bare legs. The front of my dress fell back, bunching itself at my waist so that he had a small view of my panties. Harry tosses his magazine into the grass, laying his body on his side down by my feet. He holds himself up by his elbow when his eyes slowly travel up from my white cotton panties to my eyes.

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