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Before you dive into this chapter I wanted to remind you all that I'm not a wine expert and this book is pure fiction. I've done a lot of research for this book, but sometimes the internet loves to tell me a million different things and I don't know what to believe. So let's pretend that everything is correct.

Also, any Italian translations that aren't translated in the dialogue will be in the comments.
Enjoy! xo

The sky was black and held the stars together, helping them shine

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The sky was black and held the stars together, helping them shine. The moon glows and the reflection illuminates the lake. The mountains in the distance are dark but tiny lights from the houses glimmer in the night and there's a gentle breeze through the warm air.

There was a faint light coming from inside the winery, but the rest was dark because they're closed. Dim yellow lights hung above the outside balcony and a single tall, white candle is burning in the middle of the table I sat at. Along with a skinny vase that had pink roses in it.

When I got back to my villa yesterday there was a note with my name on it, taped to my door. I opened it to see Harry was inviting me to a private wine tasting at Sunset Lake.

I've never been to a wine tasting before and knowing it was private made me feel special. I could barely sleep last night, every time I know I'm going to see Harry something inside of me goes off. It's becoming a habit honestly.

The day finally came and the night came quicker. I made sure to be on time for our date, I'm assuming this is a date. It feels like one to me, even though I've never been taken on a proper one.

When I arrived Robert greeted me and explained that Harry had some last minute things to work on. He then escorted me to a table that was directly in the middle of the balcony. Everywhere you turned your head you had an amazing view. I'm truly starstruck at the scenery.

As I wait for Harry to come out, I glance down at my outfit to make sure I look okay. I wore a yellow tube dress that ended at my ankles, pairing it with nude sandals. I decided to leave my hair natural tonight. My blonde-brownish locks were wavy, it reminded me of being out at the beach all day and letting it air dry. I didn't over do my makeup either. I used a tinted moisturizer, applied some blush to my cheeks and nose, did a couple coats of mascara, and finished it with lipgloss.

Butterflies were swarming my stomach. Any moment Harry could come out through the open doorway and I didn't know how to act. To be fair, I never knew how to act around him in general. My heart races, my hands become sweaty, and my knees go weak. It's exhilarating yet frightening.

I don't know what I'm doing. I fear one of these days I'm going to embarrass myself and Harry won't want to see me again. It's a miracle that it's been going so well. Some nights I stay up, questioning what he sees in me.

Overthinking is my worst enemy. I can never enjoy something good without thinking the worst was going to happen. I've been told by Lainey through the years that I need to calm down, but I can't help it.

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