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This morning I woke up to Harry

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This morning I woke up to Harry. At first, I was a bit caught off guard. Last night felt like a dream. I didn't wake up feeling hungover I didn't drink enough to get to that point. Somehow though I'm still in shock that he didn't leave. Around 5 am I woke up to the sound of the front door closing and I assumed it was Niall and Harry. I fell back asleep for a couple more hours after that. The smell of maple syrup lingered around the kitchen and living room causing me to open my eyes. There he was, Harry cooking pancakes in my kitchen.

When he noticed that I was awake he flashed a smile at me and my stomach became weak. I'll never get tired of seeing his smile. It brings so much comfort when I see it. Being around Harry gave me a sense of freedom. Even though we know nothing about each other I wanted to keep it that way for a little longer.

It was just the two of us this morning. Harry said Niall left in the middle of the night and Lainey wanted to go exploring with Ashley. We talked about many things over breakfast. I told him how I wanted to go see everything Italy has to offer and he offered to take me wherever I wanted to go. We also laughed about last night. The way Niall ran up the stairs with Lainey, you'd thought he never had sex with someone before.

Harry told me how his heartbreak affected him. He buries his pain in alcohol, parties, and sex. A part of my heart ached for him. Harry didn't mention a lot more about Niall after that. I then told him how Lainey and I grew up together. I continued about we have always been inseparable. He thought it was adorable how we are practically sisters.

After we finished breakfast Harry offered to clean up the kitchen. I insisted on doing so but he said himself, "I have to clean up my mess."

While he cleaned up the kitchen I went upstairs to take a quick shower and get dressed for the day. I assumed Harry would have left after he finished cleaning the dishes. When I walked downstairs fully dressed I saw him folding the blankets we used last night and hanging them on top.

Once Harry finished cleaning up the living room he asked me to go to the winery with him. That leads us to now. Harry's sitting in the driver's seat, sunglasses covering his eyes as he wears a form-fitted black t-shirt with black trousers and a pair of black and white vans. His right hand which was covered in rings rested on top of the steering wheel. His other arm was prompted up from his car door. He stretched out his left hand, feeling the air as we drove.

I sat in the passenger seat as the wind blew in my hair. We began driving down a dirt road that led us into the winery. Harry and I haven't said much during this drive, we listened to the radio together. I would occasionally hear Harry humming a song or two.

"I like your strawberry dress," Harry said while I saw him peaking out of the side of his sunglasses. I glanced down at my white sundress that had tiny strawberries scattered all over.

"Thank you," I said while my hands smooth out my dress so it doesn't wrinkle. "I have a question!"

"What's up?" Harry raised his eyebrows. His head slightly turned to the side so he could look at me and the road.

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