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The stench of chemicals consumed my nostrils

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The stench of chemicals consumed my nostrils. Between the bleach, hair dye, nail polish, and other sorts of products, the smell has become burned inside my nose. It was a distinct smell that I would never forget. However, I found it quite pleasing.

My body relaxes back into the salon chair and my fingernails tap along the silver bars that held my arms up.

Something about getting your hair professionally done made me feel good about myself. I never had the money to treat myself in that way. I've only ever had the chance to get my hair done once or twice and it was just a haircut.

I was grateful to get a haircut but I've always wanted something more. As I got older and the more I played out in the sun some pieces of my hair started to turn blonde on its own. I've always wanted to add more but my mother would never let me dare to touch it. However, that changes today.

Lainey made our appointments at the local hair salon in town. She surprised me with it since she knew how much it meant to me. She told me this morning to cancel all my plans because she desperately needed a girl's day with me.

I also needed one too. I felt awful about how things ended the last time we went out together. This time I didn't want us to bicker, although there are so many things I want to tell her. Most of them are about Harry and yet that's what led us to fight last time.

A pinch of anxiety hangs in my lower stomach but I felt so at peace in this chair, I knew I would tell her despite what happened before.

"These women are so fucking beautiful," Lainey praises, flipping to another page of the magazine she was holding. Her head hangs low as her eyes stay glued to the pages.

I use my feet to spin the chair to face Lainey then lean over, "Oh wow, I love her hair!" I exclaimed, pointing to a beautiful, blonde bombshell.

"You've always been a sucker for blonde hair," Lainey says, looking up from the magazine.

"I feel like being blonde suits me better than my natural colour. Remember when I slept over one night during high school and you tried to bleach my hair at 3 am?"

"Oh my god," She laughs, "your hair was fried! Some was falling out and nothing about it was even!"

"I'll never forgive you for that," I said with a sarcastic tone.

"C'mon you can't hate me forever! The next morning I went to the drugstore and stole box hair dye for you! You couldn't even tell anything happened to your hair!"

"I still can't believe I trusted you to touch my hair."

"I used to be really good with hair! Girls would pay me to dye their hair, cut it, or do it nicely for prom."

I giggle, memories of Lainey being our school's hairstylist flash in my mind, "How come you never finished Beauty School?" I asked, curiosity getting the best of me.

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