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I woke up to feeling Harry's arms wrapped around my waist as the sun poked through the window

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I woke up to feeling Harry's arms wrapped around my waist as the sun poked through the window. I turned my head to see Harry peacefully asleep behind me. His nose slightly twitched as I felt the warmth of his breath along my neck. A few curls rested in front of his face. His golden skin glowed as the sunlight beamed off of him.

He's like one of those historic paintings. You would travel anywhere to admire something as beautiful as him.

One look and you're hypnotized.

Last night felt like a fever dream. My mind was still spinning with questions. I didn't know where I stood with Harry, but after last night I felt a little better about everything.

I never needed anyone that badly before. Thinking about the feeling of his soft lips against my neck drove me wild. The way my body was screaming for him was something I never experienced.

Another thing I never felt before was adrenaline. I always played on the safe side growing up, even before coming to Italy. My mother always told me, "It's better to be safe than sorry."

What if I want to be sorry for once?

From the moment Harry pinned me up against that cobblestone wall up to the police officer cursing us out in Italian, the adrenaline never stopped.

Feeling my blood rush through my body, my heart practically pumping out of my chest. Harry and I took a risk, and we kind of didn't get caught. I wanted to feel it again. Harry may not notice, but being with him has opened my eyes to so many new things.

Everything is new and everything is you, Harry.

I look over at the nightstand, hoping to find a glass of water. I sigh to myself when I see nothing there. I gently pick up Harry's arm off of me, the moment I have his arm off of my body he immediately escapes my grip and wraps it tightly around me again. He pulls me closer to him as a smile forms on my face.

"You're not going anywhere," Harry mumbles while he keeps me close to his body.

"I wanted to go get some water," I giggled.

"Let me go get it for you. I don't want you to move."

"Harry I have to get out of this bed at some point."

"Maybe later, but not now. Stay there." Harry pulled the blanket off of his and stood up from the bed.

I roll myself over now staring at the cream coloured ceiling. For the first time in my life, I feel happy. I used to think being happy was overrated. I envied the people who claimed they woke up and went to be happy with their lives. How is it possible for a person to only feel happiness and nothing else?

How do you live being happy?

I used to want to be like that. Emotions are a rollercoaster ride and I always looked for a way to get off. My mind would always play different scenarios that made an emptiness inside of me temporarily fade away. The emptiness always sat at the bottom of my stomach and it never left, until now.

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