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 My hair blows freely in the wind

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My hair blows freely in the wind. I stick my hand out the side of the car, feeling so unrestricted. I stretch out each of my fingers wanting to feel the air touch every part of my hand. The heat from the sun burns down on us, sweat slowly drips from my forehead and the back of my neck.

Harry and I have been driving for about 5 hours now. The ride has been actually fun, most of it has consisted of us talking but I loved the sound of Harry's voice. I could listen to him all day and night. Whenever I hear it I get the same feeling as if my favourite song is playing on the radio— thrilled and awestruck.

We've stopped a couple of times to get food and gas. During those stops, I managed to capture photos on my polaroid camera. Harry even has snuck a few photos of me, he thinks he's sneaky but I can always see him in the corner of my eye.

When we left early this morning I was surprised to see it was drizzling. It's the first time I saw rain in Italy. The rain made the air smell like a rose garden. Perhaps it was because of the rose bushes in my front yard, but that specific smell sends endorphins straight to my brain.

After a few hours on the road the rain led up and the sun came out to say hello. As soon as that sun started to shine down on us, Harry pulled over on the side of the road to take the top down of his car. Once it was off and we started driving it was like a whole new experience.

The excitement I felt was too hard to tame. We're getting closer to Venice and I can't wait to see how beautiful the city is. Visiting Venice has been a dream of mine since I first learned about the country of Italy. I am somehow still finding it hard to believe I'm going there right now. Harry is constantly making my dreams come true and he's so unaware of what this all means to me.

I want to show him how much he means to me.

I lean down towards my feet and grab my purse. I zip it open, sticking my hand inside. I rummage through everything, my hand touches my wallet, sunscreen, and other sorts of products I shoved in there throughout the week. When my hand gets to the bottom that's when I feel the familiar hard, plastic case.

I smile, pulling it out. I sit the rectangular case in the cupholder before zipping my purse shut and placing it down by my feet once again.

I open the case, smiling at my pair of yellow sunglasses. I take them out, placing them on my bare knee. I shut the now empty case and instead of putting it back in my purse, I open the glove compartment and slide it in.

After I flip down the vanity mirror, putting my sunglasses on. I look at myself in the mirror and admire the yellow tinted lens. It was very light, you could see my eyes through them easily. The frames were a little thick, a wide, rectangular shape. They were brown but had spots of a darker brown all around.

Now being able to not be blinded by the sun, I reach my hand behind my seat. Searching for my small duffle bag. Once I feel it, I drag it up to the center console. Harry turns his head to observe all of my commotions but quickly faces the road again.

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