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TW: mentions of physical abuse.


Today I have been unpacking our things, I put our clothes away in the closets and dressers

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Today I have been unpacking our things, I put our clothes away in the closets and dressers. Lainey has not moved from the couch. Her body has melted into it like butter. She complained about her headache and nausea all day. I knew she wouldn't be alive today. It didn't bother me that much because this is the first of many days one of us would be hungover this summer.

Taking care of Lainey doesn't feel like a choir to me. I truly enjoy being there for her. She's been there for me my entire life and now I'm treating her the same way. That's what friends are for. Lainey has always lifted me up, built up my confidence and added a positive light into my dark world. Everyone should have a friend like Lainey in their lives, at least one. I would rather have just her than a hundred fake friends.

Growing up I never went out. I stayed sheltered away. I was scared to leave home because I wanted to protect my mom. I always looked up to her, she was an angel in my eyes. My father never deserved to have a woman like her in his life. She cooked, cleaned, and took care of him. She treated him as if he was some type of king. She was loyal to him because she truly loved him. Then once I got older she decided to pick up on his toxic habits and take her pain out on me.

I always carried the weight of everyone's pain on my shoulders. Maybe it was easier for others to blame me for their traumas rather than working through them to become better. Life has never been fair to me and I now know how I should have been treated. I promised myself I'd never become my mother, I don't want to have my child watch me be beaten by their father. I don't want the past to repeat itself.

Now finished with unpacking both Lainey and I's belongings I skip downstairs right into the living room. I see Lainey is still in the same position she's been in all day. She keeps a hood over her head as well as a blanket covering her face. The living room had multiple windows to look out of the sunlight that filled the room and that wasn't helping Lainey in any way.

"I'm dying." Lainey mumbles from underneath the blanket. I stand over her, grabbing the blanket and pull it away from her face.

"We were invited to a party at Harry's house tonight. I really don't want to go along." I said softly scooting Lainey into the couch as I sat on the edge.

"Why do you need me? He obviously likes you." Lainey said as a devilish smirk forms on her face, "You will be fine without me."

Thinking about Harry liking me sent flutters to my stomach. I can't help but feel excited knowing there's a chance that he likes me. No one has ever spared a couple of minutes to get to know me. I used to be jealous of the girls who found it so easy to flirt with boys. During high school I did spend the night with a guy, he made me feel special. He used to text me goodnight and good morning everyday. Once I finally was ready to have sex with him, the next day vanished from my life.

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