Thank You

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Sunset Lake has officially come to an end and I never thought I'd see the day when it did.

I started planning this book on May 10th 2022, and a couple weeks later I published it on May 26th 2022. This book and I have been through so many ups and downs, there were MANY times I wanted to quit and un publish it. There were also many ups and downs throughout my life while writing this book.

Matilda is a character I built off of myself and my personal experiences. I may have fabricated a few things, but who doesn't in their writing? Matilda is also a song that I hold very close to my heart because it makes me feel understood and seen. Therefore I wanted Matilda Monroe to be someone we can all see ourselves in. I wanted you guys to feel understood and seen with this character. I really hope I did that because she means the absolute world to me.

She's the sun after all.

Sunset Lake came to me from Pinterest photos, a dream vacation, and a favorite Harry era. I put my heart and soul into this story. There was another route I planned for how it ended, but this ending was the best out of them all. I've always been strong with what I wanted this to be about and that is how everyone deserves to be happy.

You're in for a treat because this is the part where I tell you what different route I had in mind!

I have an entire sequel planned.

This second book will never see the light of day, perhaps I'll tweet the cover and entire plot one day. For now, I'll give you the summary.

Sunset Lake was going to end with Matilda leaving, and the whole part of Harry chasing her in the airport was never going to happen because my wicked brain thought of him getting arrested. I thought about dabbling more into the 'Harry killed Dalina' part and I wanted to convince you guys that he did it so badly, even though he didn't!! So Harry was never going to stop Matilda and she'd get on the plane to go to Ireland. Cut to a month or so later, Matilda figures out she's pregnant. And that's how the epilogue would have ended.

The sequel was titled Sunrise Blues. It was about Matilda coming back to Sunset Lake, who is 6 months pregnant at this time, and she sets on her journey to tell Harry. Harry is in a rough spot with his trial coming up, he's still crushed over her leaving and etc. He would have been a major jackass. Looking back now, I couldn't do that do sunsetrry. He's too perfect to ruin. It was a book about second chances and mental health. However I decided against it because I felt I would be dragging Sunset Lake on. I didn't want to do that and therefore we have this ending. Simple and Sweet.

Although, I am on the fence about doing a 12 part sequel or a one shot type of book. I'm strongly attached to Matilda and Harry. It's definitely bittersweet saying goodbye and I'm not sure if I want to or if I want to keep going. I'd love to hear your thoughts and know if a mini sequel or one shot book is something you'd enjoy!

Ever since I started Sunset Lake I've had this idea of Matilda getting pregnant. I don't know why but I've always had a vision of her, Harry, and Aurora. They were meant to be a loving family.

The option of Matilda leaving Harry was always on the table, but in my heart I knew I didn't want this story to end that way. I was torn between a sequel or happy ending. Then I remembered what I want this book to represent and the message I want people to learn from it.

If there's one thing I'd want you to take away from this book it's that you deserve your happy ending. Whether it be finding your great love, a great job, or anything else that your heart desires. You deserve all the happiness in this world, don't let anyone make you think otherwise.

As a very wise woman once said, "Don't let what he wants eclipse what you need— he's not the sun, you are."

You are the sun, a beautiful star that burns with passion and confidence. You walk along this Earth with a fierce fire inside of you. Don't let anyone put it out or dim the golden light that shines within you.

I want to say thank you to all of you. Thank you for picking on my little story and reading it. Thank you for falling in love with Harry and Matilda. Thank you for falling in love this summer. Without any of you I wouldn't have kept up with this book. The appreciation I have for each of you is insane. The thought of you scrolling through wattpad, seeing my book, reading the description, and thinking 'hm this looks good! I'll read it.' is baffling to me! I can't express how much it means to me. The fact that you took time of your day to read my little summer fairy tale really touches me. Sunset Lake wouldn't mean this much to me without any of you.

Thank you for all the silent reads, votes, comments, support, and love.

I hope you had fun this summer and enjoyed your stay at Sunset Lake.

I love you, endlessly.
xo Amanda

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