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Walking across the balcony of the winery, the humidity clings to my body causing single strands of hair to stick against my skin due to my sweat

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Walking across the balcony of the winery, the humidity clings to my body causing single strands of hair to stick against my skin due to my sweat.

On nights like tonight, I questioned why I didn't just throw my hair up to let the fair breeze cool the back of my neck, but it slipped my mind and I'm just now realizing I should have had a hair tie on my wrist.

It's always one of those 'too late' moments.

Harry asked me to come to the winery around closing time, he said he wanted to watch the sunset with me down by the lake. I was kind of shocked at first, knowing that area is heavy for his heart. I wasn't going to mention anything about Dalina tonight.

If anything I planned to create a happy memory with him, he deserves to know even if a place haunts you it doesn't mean good things can't happen there.

As I skip down the steps, eager to see him, I flash my eyes forward to spot Harry's back. He sits on top of a big boulder with a glass of wine. He's facing the lake, lost in deep thought. I already knew his mind was replaying the events of when he lost Dalina.

Harry is a prisoner trapped inside the torturous bars of his mind.

I hoped to relieve him of his thoughts, there's only so much a person can take, and I didn't want to see him beat himself up mentally.

Honestly, it all made sense now. That sliver of sadness in his eyes is her, it will always be her. The spirit of Dalina is haunting Harry. Knowing he was so close to saving her yet he didn't make it in time. How do you help someone who's constantly bargaining?

I decided to shake my thoughts as I approached him. I quickly hopped up on the rock behind him, my knees lay on the hard cement. Wrapping my hands around his head, I covered his eyes.

"Guess who," I said with a giddy tone.

Without even playing along he pulls my hands, making them drop forward down his chest. My head comes beside his and he immediately turns to give me a kiss.

Our lips melted together instantly. The minute my hands felt his warm skin, my eyes widened. I peeked below seeing Harry had on a fairly oversized white button-up. Most of it was kept open, only except for three that covered his very detailed butterfly tattoo.

His hands reached up to intertwine with mine. His sleeves reached down to his fingertips as they were left uncuffed. The shirt was breathable, the Italian air flowing so effortlessly inside to kiss his skin. I found his wardrobe incredibly sexy, especially how comfortable he feels in his own skin.

Finding the strength, I pull away. Harry's eyes crinkle as the corners of his lips rise, giving me a smile that warms my heart.

"Imagine if it wasn't me," I joked, making his smile wider.

"Then you're lucky I know your voice and touch so well," Harry states proudly.

I shake my head, finally letting my knees get a break, and sit on top of the rock— alongside Harry. The two of us look out at the lake, admiring the golden reflection against the water. The blazing ball of fire we all know as the sun rested right at the horizon. Every second it lowered, the blue sky now fades into a cotton candy spectrum. The clouds seemed so close, I could reach up and pick a piece off as if it was a sugar substance.

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