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"Don't," Harry pecks my lips, "leave," He pecks again, "me."

I giggle, "I have to, bel sole,"

He whines, falling back into the driver's seat, "We can go anywhere. Pick a place and we'll go, just the two of us."

"I'm sorry," I lean over the center console, kissing him yet again, "We'll see each other tomorrow."

Harry dramatically sighs then raises his right hand to my eye level, "Pinky promise?" He curls his other fingers into a fist while keeping his pinky pointed.

I nod, bringing my pinky up and wrapping it around his, "Pinky promise."

"You won't break it, right?" He asks with a sense of worry in his voice.

"Baby, it's like I told you before. I take pinky promises very seriously. I'd be an untrustworthy person if I didn't."

He softly nods, "Yeah, I mean, you did come here all because of one."

My eyes slightly widened, "You remember my story with Esrin?"

"Of course I do," He takes his hand away from our hold and brings it closer to my hair, tucking the side behind my ear, "I remember everything you tell me, love."


"Yes, really. Is that surprising?"

"No," I shake my head, "It's just nice to have someone who listens to me."

Harry leans in now, crashing his lips on top of mine one last time. His hand crawls behind my head to rest on the back of my neck and I throw my arms over his shoulders. The tiny points of his growing mustache lightly scratch at my skin.

A haze begins to take over my mind as the kiss deepens. When our lips touch a firework of passion bursts in my body. It's an extraordinary feeling, a feeling you could only get from being with the person you're destined to love.

The stars must have aligned perfectly in place the moment I laid my eyes on Harry. The universe has finally decided to be on my side and bless me with my beautiful boy. The sun now shines brighter from waking up by his side. The roses now smell as if they were dipped in honey whenever he gives me a fresh bouquet.

He is the cure I've been searching for.

Loving him is the antidote.

Harry soon breaks our kiss, making me sigh a whimper. He chuckles, placing the side of his index finger under my chin to lift up my face. I open my eyes and meet the gold aviator sunglasses with a light brown tint he wore.

"I'll see you tomorrow," I smiled, hopping out of the car.

"Tomorrow," He nods.

I back away from the car, watching Harry drive off. The sand flies in the air as his tires drive across it. Once his car was out of my vision I headed inside.

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