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It's been a couple of hours since my conversation with Harry in the bathtub

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It's been a couple of hours since my conversation with Harry in the bathtub. Harry and I layed there in silence for a little while until Niall found us and needed Harry's help with something. I won't lie but I am a little frustrated that Niall had to ruin our time together but Harry said he would come and find me later.  I've been sitting in the kitchen, eating my third slice of pizza. I don't know if it's the weed, wine, or that i'm in Italy  but this is the best pizza I have ever had. 

I pick up a cup, full of Harry's wine, bring it up to my lips to take a sip. Harry knew how to make wine, Lainey was right about that. I tip my head back to consume the sweet, berry flavoured wine. I finish it off and slam the cup down onto the counter.

"Look at you! Chugging wine and eating pizza! You fit in well around here." Ashley said as places her elbows on top of the counter while resting her chin on her hand.

"I prefer to stay where the food is at parties." I said, giving her a grin.

"Where did you and Harry run off to earlier?" She asked, taking a chip and throwing it into her mouth.

"We went upstairs and sat in silence." I said while taking another bite of my pizza.

To be honest I'm not sure if Harry really meant what he asked me. Does he really want to fall in love with me? Why would he want to fall in love with me? He doesn't know who I am and I don't know who he is. Maybe that's what makes this so exciting. I can't deny being attracted to him physically. Staring in his emerald green eyes makes me lose my breath. The last two days don't seem real, it all feels like a dream. Harry has this effect on me and I don't know if I want it to last all summer long.

"I thought you two were going to fuck." Ashley said followed with a loud laugh. She threw her right hand on her stomach as she continued to laugh as loud as she could. Her laugh brought a smile to my face.

"Can I tell you a secret?" I asked, leaning closer towards her

"Of course! I love secrets." Ashley leans over the counter, closer towards me.

"I wish we did." I said, causing both of us to explode into laughter. "But I don't want to rush it, if it does happen."

"Oh! It will happen,"  Ashley hisses as a smirk appears on her face, "Harry's not the type to rush anything. He likes to take his time."

"What happened between the two of you?" I asked, feeling anxious to know the answer.

"Harry wasn't in the right mindset when we started to fool around. We relied on each other to take away our pain. It became toxic for both of us." Ashley says truthfully as she avoids making eye contact with me.

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