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When you see * play it. :)

Our fingers tangled together as the laughter consumed our mouths

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Our fingers tangled together as the laughter consumed our mouths. It's been a fun evening, Harry and I just finished eating probably the most delicious meal I've ever had. It wasn't often we went out to dinner, most of the time we always ate at his place or I'd meet him at the winery with food.

It was a treat for us to get dressed up and go out. I enjoyed every moment I had with Harry, but these ones tend to have a special place in my heart. Being out and open with him is so liberating. Maybe it's cocky for me to enjoy showing him off, but I wanted the world to know he's mine.

Harry wasn't social when we went out. He often receives looks from several strangers, and it wasn't friendly. It happened almost every time we stepped out. I was understanding as to why Harry always preferred being home.

Being home is his security blanket, there's nothing like being inside walls of comfort. It was a feeling he introduced me to the very first night we spent together.

The air tonight was humid but breezy. My body was sweating underneath my dress but it was tolerable. Clouds hung upon the sky, covering the moon. Harry walks next to me as he continues a work story.

We always found things to talk about, it was never hard for us to spark up a conversation. The way we spoke to each other, whether it was about the past, our day, or anything else, it was as if we'd known each other for a lifetime. Everything was so easy to say.

I love how easy it all is between us.

Soon the faint sounds of music come into the night. Harry pauses his story when a look of confusion appears on his face. At the same time we look over at the large acre of land, that was owned by a restaurant on the street we walked along.

People dressed in tuxes and silk, summer dresses. My eye immediately spotted the woman in a gorgeous white dress and I knew this was a wedding. Squeezing Harry's hand slightly, I began to feel the excitement for the bride.

A wedding is a dream I hope to reach one day.

Harry bends over to place a kiss on the top of my head. Instantly blushing, I look up at him to see he's smiling at me. His loving looks drive me crazy, it's something I'll always adore about him. He is so attentive to me, watching my every move. Sometimes I don't have to say anything at all, it's like he knows my wants and needs. He gets me, and that's beautiful to have.

"You like weddings?" He asked, his eyes shining with curiosity.

"I've never been to one, I've only seen them in movies," I rambled, "But yeah, I do like them. I hope I have one someday."

"You will," He smirks, kissing my cheek.

When he pulls away, something ignites in his eyes. Harry's smirk never leaves, but instead, he pulls my arm to follow him. Harry continues to look all around, his eyes making sure no one noticed us. I found his behavior confusing, but the thrill of his secret kept me going. We walk down the side of the wedding, which was covered with a wall of bushes.

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