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The last few days have been a whirlwind

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The last few days have been a whirlwind. After having sex with Harry in his vineyard, things have been exhilarating. We couldn't keep our hands off of each other. Our days mostly consisted of us staying in his bed.

Ever since we met Harry had built this wall between us, but after that day it came crumbling down. A weight has been lifted off both of our shoulders. Everything between us felt much lighter now. This is exactly what we both needed. The tension is gone and I've never been happier.

Today Harry had a couple things he needed to work on at the winery and I promised Lainey I'd spend the day shopping with her.

Throughout my time here I've spent most of it thinking about Harry. I won't lie, I do feel like an awful friend for not making plans with Lainey. I was determined for today to be all about us.

We have a lot to catch up on.

"So are you going to tell me where you've been everyday since we've got here?" Lainey asked while she paid for a pair of sunglasses from a cart on the street.

"You already know the answer," I sighed.

"Did you two bang yet?" She raises an eyebrow at me. I laughed in response.

"Maybe, maybe not," I obnoxiously winked, making Lainey laugh.

"Tils you better spill what you're hiding," Lainey said, bumping her shoulder into mine.

I began to lose my balance. I threw my arms in the air, trying to catch myself. Lainey quickly yanked me back towards her before I made a scene in front of the crowd of people. I heard Lainey laughing harder and locked my arm into hers.

"You're such a clutz,"

"You pushed me!"

"I definitely did not do that." She sarcastically states.

I playfully rolled my eyes as we continued to stroll down the busy street filled with shops. Both sides were covered with people carrying shopping bags. Along with multiple stands of people selling fruit, flowers, or homemade items.

Lainey and I strolled together, we both had tote bags hanging over our shoulders. My eyes were in awe of everyone pacing around.

I've never seen adrenaline possess every person I came across. Nothing about this place was quiet either. Whether it was someone shouting on the other line of a phone call or groups of people shouting to each other.

Despite the crowd, I continued to admire the scenery. The architecture of this street was breathtaking. The buildings were made of stone, with a rustic orange color. The paint wasn't consistent, it tended to be splattered. Depending on how the sun rested you could tell some spots were darker than others. Either way, I thought it looked magnificent.

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