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I stretch my arms above my head as my back arches from the pleasurable feeling

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I stretch my arms above my head as my back arches from the pleasurable feeling. A groan escapes my lips, feeling satisfied from my morning stretch. I turn my body on its side, facing Harry's empty side. I scoot myself over until my head rests on his pillow.

Still able to smell his scent, I inhaled a little. His vanilla scent sends a rush through my brain. A smile spreads across my face as I bury myself in where he once laid.

The sounds of pigeons cooing come from the window. My eyes wander over, admiring the view of the clear sky and radiant sun.

I toss the duvet off of my naked body and I grab my silk night dress that Harry quickly tore off of me the night before. I slide it on and run my hands through my very tangled hair. My bare feet walk against the cold tile until I get to the double doors. I open them both, feeling the humidity hit my skin.

I walk out on the balcony and lean over the concrete railing. Cars honking fill the streets as there are hoards of people walking in all sorts of directions. Venice was a busy city, way busier than our small circle in Positano. I liked the change of pace though. It's a new scenery and a new adventure.

I walk back into our hotel room, leaving the balcony doors open. Our king size bed was a mess but I couldn't even make it until I had my morning coffee.

I head over to our small kitchen area in our suite. I grab the moka pot and unscrew its three different parts. I turn the sink on, the water being cold. I fill the small, circular part with water and stop when it gets to the rim. Next, I fill the filter with the mushed grinds. I make sure it's filled to the top. Once that's done I attached the filter to the top of the cold water and screwed on the top part. I place the moka pot on the heated stove and wait for it to boil.

The kitchen area had everything we needed. It had a tiny stove attached to the counter. It was in the corner of the living room. A mirror hung up above the stove with racks that are filled with various foods Harry and I brought. Underneath the counter was a mini fridge, filled with a complimentary mini bar from the hotel.

I turn around and lean my back against the counter. Our living room had a sand coloured sofa against the wall, a matching chair to the left of it, and a glass coffee table right in front. There's an arrangement of fake flowers in the middle. The walls are a dark beige but the room lights up when the sun shines through the windows on the wall, opposite where I stand. A decent size tv is mounted in the corner of the room and there's a large, open archway that leads right into our bedroom. The king bed sits directly in the middle of the room. Our bathroom is to the right and the balcony is to the left.

Being in awe of how amazing everything is, is overwhelming. We got in late last night and we didn't check out the room too much— if you know what I mean.

Everything is so perfect and much better than what I expected coming into this. Harry has been taking such good care of me. He had some business to do this morning but he told me he'd be back by 1 pm for us to go out exploring.

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