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Feathering my eyes open, the sunlight peaking through the small crack in my curtains

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Feathering my eyes open, the sunlight peaking through the small crack in my curtains. The small ray of sunshine blinds my hazy vision so in a natural instinct I harshly flip my body over. Now lying on my stomach, I sink into the warm mattress below me. My heavy eyelids now shut while I let the calmness devour me. The cotton against my skin feels like a thousand angel kisses, so heavenly and blissful.

Only for a moment, I embraced the paradise of my bed, until I extended my arm over and felt no one next to me. My eyes shoot open as my heart drops into my stomach. Slightly lifting my head off the pillow, I don't see her next to me. In complete disbelief, I quickly sat up and grabbed the edge of the duvet, tossing it over to reveal her entire side was empty. Shaking my head, my heart pounds inside my chest when I run the palm of my hand over the spot where her delicate body fell asleep last night. Her side was cold and lifeless as if she hadn't been there in hours. The loneliness sends a cruel shiver down my spine.

She's not here.

Practically jumping out of my bed, my bare feet parade out of my bedroom. Sweat begins to bathe me as I make my way down the hallway. My breath came in shallow gasps, my chest rising and falling rapidly as if my fears were coming alive. My heart hammered against my ribcage, a thunderous beat that thrashed through my body. The beat matched the rhythm of my rising panic as I began my mission to find Matilda. Maybe she was downstairs making us breakfast, but something in my gut didn't believe that. The house felt strange, there was an unsettling feeling in the air.

Before I jog down the steps, my eyes pick up on something. My body comes to a halt, and I turn to face the frames I had hanging upon my hallway wall. I've kept a frame empty for years, the day of Dalina's funeral I removed her photo. I vowed to let this collage of frames be filled with photos that bring joy to my life and define who I am. Ever since that vivid dream, I've had a new look at my past with Dalina; keyword past. This wall was to represent my life and Matilda deserved to be on this wall more than anyone.

The once empty frame was now filled with a photo of her and me. The two of us went for a swim out in the lake, it was after we had a few glasses of wine with the gang. Matilda made flower crowns for us, but unfortunately, Lainey stole mine. She danced the night away with Niall as Matilda and I made the great escape down to the fresh, blue water. She pinned her hair up, still keeping that wildflower crown on her head, and helped me by clipping the front of my hair back. Her smile that night was radiant, it was like sunshine breaking through the clouds. We stripped off our clothes, keeping our undergarments on. We wouldn't of if everyone wasn't with us. Then we dove into the warm lake, endlessly laughing as we splashed each other. The sun rays flooded our souls with happiness that evening. We were so lost in the moment, swimming alongside each other. The sound of her giggly shrieking comes in my ears, it makes my heart flutter with joy. I don't remember when Niall snuck down to us, but he screamed at us to smile and he captured the moment.

I couldn't think of a time I've ever been happier. All of my memories that include Matilda I hold close to my heart. This summer we made core memories together, and I didn't want it to just be for the summer. I wanted us to make memories until we're old, grey, and can barely walk.

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