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I couldn't read Harry

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I couldn't read Harry. I wanted to know what he was thinking, but I couldn't make out anything from his facial expressions. I could tell he was jealous by the way he pulled me away, but he won't admit it.

"Harry, let go of me!" I shouted, trying to pull his hand off of my wrist. We walked out of the back exit of Dynamos, Harry continued to drag me with him down a couple of blocks away from Dynamos.

"Why would you do that?" He said through his teeth.

"Because I wanted to! Why do you care so much?" I yelled as Harry makes a sharp left turn into a dim alleyway.

We were far away from the open street. My body against the brick wall, Harry towers over me. Both of his hands rest along the wall as my head stays in between them. A few curls hang in front of his face as his eyes stay on mine. It was dim in the alley, we were alone.

"Do you know what you're doing to me, dolce ragazza?" he asks, his tone low and raspy. He takes his left hand off of the wall and begins to trace his finger against my jawline.

I swallowed the lump in my throat, my heartbeat begins to race. I stared up at him, smelling the scent of vanilla cologne mixed with vodka. My body becomes paralyzed as his finger traces down from my chin to my chest.

"Wh-what am I doing to you, Harry?" I spoke quietly.

"Driving me fucking crazy," Harry said as he placed his hand on my hip. He turns his head to look down at the street and then back at me with a smirk. He takes his other hand off the wall behind me, bends down, and grabs the back of my thighs. Harry yanks me up so both of my feet were off the ground, I gasped out loud as both of my hands grab onto his biceps and wrap my legs around his waist.

We continued to stare at each other while his body was now pressed up against mine. My dress was now bunched up to my waist, my small shorts underneath being shown. His hands continued to stay on my bare thighs while I slowly moved my hands up from his biceps to his shoulders. Our breathing rapidly picked up.

"I do?" I whispered while squeezing my legs around him.

Harry lowers his head down to my neck, he puckers his lips against my skin. I quiver at the gentle touch. I held my breath once his mouth was on my body, time stopped. He begins to slowly kiss down my shoulder towards my collarbone. He deeply breathed in through his nose causing me to let go of the breath I was holding.

"Yes," he kisses, "you," kiss, "do," kiss, "baby," kiss.

I felt sparks throughout my body as he continued to kiss underneath my jaw. I couldn't move, my body was like a statue. I've been wanting to be intimate with Harry for so long. I never imagined it would happen in an alleyway in Italy. The thought of getting caught made me excited.

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