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The metal curve of the hanger screeches as I slide it to the left

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The metal curve of the hanger screeches as I slide it to the left. The high pitch sound made every person in the store stare at me every five seconds. It's an embarrassing moment, but I'm in a rush and need to find the perfect dress for dinner tomorrow night.

I set myself out on a mission today— alone. I didn't mind being alone while I shopped for clothes, but because of the occasion, I felt a tad annoyed. Lainey went out sailing today with Niall, she claimed she had these plans for a while. I loved the bond growing between the pair, but I desperately needed my best friend's help.

Ever since Harry asked me to meet his parents, my anxiety has been at a high. Some girls have it so easy, mothers naturally have a liking towards them. I didn't know if I had that effect nor if I would with Harry's mother.

What if she looks at me and instantly hates me?

I needed a dress that was fun, classy, cute, and not sexy. Maybe a little for Harry. I've been flicking through every rack for the last 15 minutes, and nothing speaks to me. I didn't want a black dress, I wanted something that was vibrant and colourful. I needed it to reciprocate my personality in some way.

Once I arrived at the last dress on the rack, my eyes widened. It was a beautiful, dynamic blue dress. A broad smile appears on my lips as I snatched it from the rack. Speed walking to the dressing rooms, I softly shut the door behind me and lock it.

Saying constant prayers in my mind, I needed this to be the winner. Truthfully, I despised clothes shopping. I hated going to several stores only to end up trying everything on and not taking anything home. It was a war I never won.

The silk material slipped on my body. The spaghetti straps rest delicately on my shoulders. I ran my fingers through my hair while staring at my body in the small mirror of my dressing room. An undecided feeling sits in my stomach, giving me the urge to rip my hair out.

Turning my body to the side, the back straps were loosely tied together which made the front drupe down. The loose material made me not feel good about myself. I sighed, attempting to reach up and tie it myself but with the frustration I felt I wanted to get out of the store.

I decided to inhale a couple of deep breaths before stepping out of the fitting room. My eyes scan around for a worker or someone to help, but I wasn't an outgoing person. I'd rather suffer in silence than be a bother and ask for help.

Clearing my throat, I walked over to the side where the store had a semi-circle full of mirrors and a platform I could step up on. One thing I loved was the dress stopped at my mid-calf. It felt so flowy and free, it was perfect for tomorrow evening.

I just couldn't get over how it didn't compliment my figure. My chest looked completely flat and my body appeared to be a stick. A tightness grows in the back of my throat as I try not to make a fool of myself and cry. I closed my eyes, inhaling deeply once again. The tightness loosens, and my body falls into relaxation. I slowly open my eyes and look at my frantic face.

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