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I put the car in park, and looked up to admire the winery we had arrived at

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I put the car in park, and looked up to admire the winery we had arrived at. I've never been much of a drinker. The smell of hard alcohol makes me gag, but I would occasionally drink a glass of wine or two. Alcohol is something that I promised myself I would never turn to when things get bad. I don't want my past to catch up to me. So the thought of being surrounded by it made me anxious. 

I take the keys out of the ignition then hop out of the car. The winery isn't huge. It's a small building with two, hugen wooden doors. It sits on top of a mountain that overlooks the entire lake. Roses and tulips surrounded the entrance. The sun was currently setting and a golden glow reflected onto the winery. Multiple shades of brown gave this place a warm feeling. I glanced over to the wooden sign that displayed the name of the winery 'Sunset Lake'. This place was beautiful.

Lainey walks in front of me as she opens one of the doors. Inside there's a man sitting behind a desk he looks up making eye contact with me. He stands up from his chair, walks over to us and extends his hand.

"Hello, welcome to Sunset Lake Winery. How can I help you lovely ladies?" He flashes a smile at us. I'm a bit taken back after hearing his British accent. This is the second British man I met in the last ten minutes.

"We are here to drink some wine." Lainey says. My attention is brought to the open balcony right in front of me. I walk towards the opening as Lainey continues to talk to the man.

I place my hands onto the railing, breathing in the air. The lake is crystal blue and the reflection of the sunset makes it look enchanting.

I now know why it's called Sunset Lake.

Why did it take me so long to get here? My entire life I've been scared to go after the things I want. Growing up I had to protect everyone around me, but I forgot about myself in the process. That became an unhealthy pattern. I forgot to put myself first. So many people would ask me if I'm okay and my response would always be that I'm fine.

I probably have said the word fine the most in my 22 years of living. My mind has been clouded with thinking of how to help others when I never knew how to help myself. I've been trapped for so long and I'm tired. This vacation is the perfect opportunity for me to learn how to love myself. Nothing is stopping me. Lainey has always told me to live in the moment and never let my fears control my life. The feeling of fear controlled everything I did, but now I'm done living in fear.

I want to live for myself.

"Fancy seeing you here." I hear his accent come from behind me. I look over my shoulder to see Harry carrying a box filled with wine bottles. His sunglasses rest on top of his head and he flashes me a smile.

"Oh you again." I turn my head back to admire the view. This place is captivating.

"Have you tried any of the wine? People say it's the best in the town." Harry sets the box down onto one of the many tables, walks over to stand next to me. In the corner of my eye I can see the angelic glow from the sunset light up his face. He looks handsome.

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