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Slowly waking up to the feeling of a gentle brisk of cool air scraping my skin

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Slowly waking up to the feeling of a gentle brisk of cool air scraping my skin. Knowing the feeling is someone's breath makes me feel content. The movement of one fingertip drawing smile circles repeatedly on my back sends a chill down my spine.

I exhaled a satisfying breath as I rolled my body over. I slowly feather my eyes open to reveal a familiar pair studying me. The corners of my lips curl into a smile as I cuddle underneath the duvet.

"Are you watching me sleep?" I asked, my voice groggy.

"No," Harry immediately declines.

I open my eyes, seeing his arm prompt up on the bed, and his head leaning against his knuckles. He's shirtless, which is a sight I always loved seeing first thing in the morning. The front of his hair is clipped back with a small, blue butterfly clip that I found to be very similar to the pair I had packed for this trip.

"Is that my hair clip?" I asked as I squinted my eyes to get a better look.

"No," He declines again.

I scooted my body closer toward him, my nose barely touching his, "Are you lying to me?"

His mouth grows into a smile, his pearly teeth fully out as his tongue pokes through the little gap between. He begins hissing with laughter as his cheeks burn.

"I found it on the counter in the bathroom and thought it would look cute on me. Does it?" He then turns his head from side to side, mockingly modeling the clip.

My stomach jumps as I laugh at him. My head moved down to face the pillow and I felt Harry's forehead rest on the tip of my shoulder as he laughed with me. I roll over on my back, now laying underneath Harry.

"You look adorable," I tapped his nose with my finger.

"Why thank you," He leans down, pressing his lips against my own.

The sweet kiss isn't long, he instantly pulls away, and his eyes roam my skin. Harry removes his hand from holding his head and tucks it underneath his pillow. His stomach lays halfway on top of me as he cuddles his head into the crook of my neck. His fingers drag along my arm, the soft tickle making me melt into the sheets beneath me.

Harry sighs, "I don't want to leave."

"Me neither," I say, staring at the ceiling.

"Usually when I come on these trips it tends to be boring and lonely," Harry confesses, his lips pecking at my collarbone, "But this weekend has been one of the best weekends of my life. You make everything better, Matilda."

My fingernails softly scratch his back while his words warm my heart, "Ditto, baby."

My hands travel down his back and stop when I reach the top of his bare butt. Feeling the smoothness, a tempting urge came to my mind. I lower my hands, giving his ass a tight squeeze. Suddenly I feel a smile form on Harry's lips as he lays still on top of me.

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