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when you see * feel free to play Dancing Queen by ABBA <3


5 years later.

Ever since I was a little girl I dreamed of being the woman in the white dress, admired by hundreds of guests as I walked down the aisle. Making eye contact with that special man who waited for me at the end, and perhaps he even shed a few tears as my beauty took him away.

I dreamed of my wedding being magical, and today was far better than any expectation. It was everything and more. Today was filled with love and happiness, even though there were about fifty guests in attendance. Every person cried and laughed. Right now their bodies were busting a move out on that dance floor. From the minute I woke this morning, everything has been perfect. A part of myself was waiting for the shoe to drop, but I wouldn't let anything ruin my day.

Bottles of Grapejuice Blues and Dolcezza were open among all the tables, and empty glasses along with ones filled to the brim were at every seat. All of our friends and family were enjoying themselves while a few were already drunk. It didn't phase me though, seeing a genuine smile on everyone's face filled my body with warmth.

As I sat at my seat with a glass of red wine in my hand, my eyes watching everyone dance the night away, I couldn't help the smile on my face. My cheeks have become numb from the endless smiling. Today's a day where I can't rid of it, it's infectious but also real. This day marked our happily ever after, and it's the day I married the love of my life. It will go down in history as the most joyful day, and I know Harry agrees. He's been on the dance floor since the music started, Sweat dripped down from his forehead, his front curly locks completely soaked. His blazer hugged the chair beside me as his dress shirt continued to unbutton itself. I swear every time I looked away and then back at him, I could see more of his chest.

"How are you doing, Mrs. Styles?" He cocks an eyebrow with a smirk.

"I'm doing very good, Mr. Styles," I giggled, "I'm really happy."

"Me too," He puckers his lips, pressing a tender kiss upon mine.

His hand slides down my hip, cupping one of my ass cheeks cheeks. Harry hums as if he's unaware of his action but I giggle and hide my scarlet red face into the crook of his neck. Our bodies stay pressed up against each other, I could feel my nipples beginning to harden from the friction. It was electrifying, his body struck mine with the heat of lightning. He has touched my mind and set my whole body on fire.


The squeals of a little girl come to my ears as I spin on my heels. I kneeled below, opening my arms out wide as I watched my daughter come flying over to me. Her little feet tumbled across the dance floor and she lunged into my arms. Her small arms wrapped around my neck as I held onto her and stood straight up. Harry's hand slides down my back as he uses his other to rub our daughter's head when he gives her a quick peck on her temple.

"Sunkiss, you okay?" Harry asks with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes," She nods with a beaming smile, "Uncle Niall and I were dancing and I-I missed you, Mommy."

"Really?" I giggled as I pecked her cheek, "Are you sure you missed me? Or was it because Uncle Niall can't dance."

"Yup!" She exclaims, making the three of us laugh together.

I puckered my lips just as Harry did and we both planted our lips on the cheeks of our daughter, Aurora. We squeeze her cheeks with our loving kisses. Her laughter is music to my ears, something I never thought I'd get to hear. We were blessed with Aurora three years ago, she's the light of our lives. Also, the reason why we put the wedding off for so long. She was a surprise, but the best kind. A part of myself had been waiting for her, and I didn't feel like me until I held her in my arms for the first time.

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