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September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month and this chapter touches on the topic. If you're someone who's struggling or know someone who is and feels alone the suicide prevention hotline is always available. I've been down that dark road, I still am most days but I don't want any of you to feel your suffering alone. Please call 988. If this topic is very triggering to you please DM me and I'll provide you a summary of the important parts of this chapter. It's very big with Harry's storyline.

Remember I love you endlessly. You deserve nothing but happiness.

Also, the song of this chapter is Fine Line by Harry Styles, I recommend playing it as you read. (Yes it's an hour-loop version of it because the song ended before the chapter and I wanted it to last the entire chapter.)

My head lays in the palm of my hands

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My head lays in the palm of my hands. Sniffling to myself, I run my hands down my face and lean back into my chair. I hear the soft splashes of Dalina swimming in the lake through my window.

How could she do that? How could she touch another man the same way she touches me? The blood that pumped through my body boiled on high. I've done nothing but love her all that I can, and then she pulls this.

Does she not love me the same way I love her?

As I glanced out the window of my office, the moon shone within in the small aperture. It felt as if I was receiving a hug from the great white light, I found it comforting. My eyes move down to spot the lake where I've had many laughs and made many memories with the woman I'm with. I furrowed my eyebrows when I noticed a large something floating close to the shore.

Then as I focus in, my heart drops into my stomach when I see it's Dalina. I jump out of my seat and dart out of my office. I took a sharp left down the hallway and almost stumbled down the stairs. When I got out to the balcony of the winery, I rushed toward the stairs that led me out to the water.

Moving fast, I hop off the stairs to jump in the sand. My legs run at a speed I never knew I had. The adrenaline coursed through my body, and my only goal was to get to her in time. The sand kicks up at me within each step, my hair flies out of my face.

My white vans now become muddy with wet sand. Not thinking twice, I step into the water as it begins to fill my shoes. The water reaches up to my knees, making the bottom of my jeans soaked. My heart pounds outside of my chest, I grab her.

Carrying Dalina bridal style, I reach the sand and drop to my knees, keeping her in my arms. I moved her wet hair out of her face, her eyes closed, and her mouth was slightly open. I began to tap her face repeatedly, not knowing the adrenaline was causing tears to leak from my own eyes.

"D, wake up," I stammered.

I gently laid her down on the sand, beginning to perform mouth-to-mouth. I pinched her nose shut and breathed into her mouth. If I could, I'd give her all the oxygen that was inside of my body right now.

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