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play Here Comes The Sun by The Beatles when you see *
Also, I will add comments for the Italian translations :)


The sunlight pokes through the shade causing my eyes to open

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The sunlight pokes through the shade causing my eyes to open. Feeling the warmth of the Italian sun against my skin, I smile. I didn't feel hungover, which I'm thankful for. I don't think I could handle staying in bed all day. My mind is always turned on. Sometimes I wish there was a switch I could flick to shut everything off. If only life was that easy.

My mother used to tell me that life is a gift and I should never take anything for granted. Is watching someone you love get abused really a gift? I used to question how she could be so optimistic while drowning on the inside. Growing up I always observed my mothers every move. I could always tell when something was wrong. It became a sixth sense. The moment my father started to drink, the house turned dark.

Now stepping out of the bed I realize I'm in the same clothes I wore last night. I slip out of my outfit and throw on a pair of gray trousers along with an oversized yellow sweatshirt. The mornings in Italy tend to have a cool breeze. I then slipped on a pair of black flip flops and grabbed my sunglasses. I had no plans to go anywhere today, possibly to the market to get some fruit and other food for Lainey and I. I wasn't dressed to impress anyone. 

I head downstairs and grab the set of car keys that were hanging next to the door. "Lainey I'll be back!" I yelled, not knowing if she was home or not.  

Walking out the front door, the sun is blinding. I put on my orange tinted sunglasses to cover my eyes. As I walk to the car I hear footsteps coming from next to me. Quickly turning my head, I squint my eyes to focus a bit more and I see Harry picking roses out of the rose bush. Smiling to myself I walk up behind him and tap on his shoulder. He turns around to face me. He wears a white t-shirt tucked into gray dress pants with a blue bandana loosely tied around his neck. He's holding 5 fresh, pink roses that are identical to the ones growing in the rose bush.

"Hi," Harry cheered, he held out his hand that held the roses, "these are for you."

I take the roses from his hand and bring them up to my nose. Inhaling a little I let the floral scent run through my airway. It brings me comfort. He may have picked them from my front garden but it's the thought that counts. A boy never gave me flowers before and here Harry was, giving me roses.

"Thank you. Hand picked huh?" I tease, holding the roses close to my chest.

"Oh yes! The best flowers are hand picked." He played along, causing a giggle to leave my mouth, "Are you busy?"

"I was headed to the market but are you inviting me somewhere?" I asked, hoping he was. Truth is I really wanted to talk to him about last night. I needed to know if he really felt that way or if he was high out of his mind. A part of me wished he didn't remember and another part wanted him to remember. I'm torn.

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