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TW: mentions of physical abuse

TW: mentions of physical abuse

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Soft lips peck at my forehead. I feather my eyes open, a silhouette in my vision leaves the room. I blink repeatedly, adjusting my eyesight. I push the white duvet off of my chest and sit up. I stretch my arms out to the sides and roll my head in circles.

I open my sleepy eyes and scan the room, the closet door remains shut and the bathroom door is cracked open with the light off. I turn my head and face the empty side of the bed. My hand touches the soft sheet that still was warm. I rub my hand along it, missing the body that was once there. 

Somehow Harry's bed feels colder when he's not in it.

My eyes glance up at his pillow, joy washes over me when I see a fresh bouquet of pink roses laying there. I pick them up, inhaling the sweet scent then hold them close to my chest. My heart skips a beat. 

I set them aside then push the duvet off of my naked body and swing my legs over the side of the bed.

Now standing, I walk towards Harry's double dresser and open a drawer to see a bunch of folded t-shirts. My eyes look at the choices I have, most of the shirts were either white, black, or gray.

I pull out a gray t-shirt. I held it open to see it say Hug me, Squeeze me, Make me wine in purple writing and was around a green circle of vines, in the middle of it was a vine of grapes that had happy faces. I laugh to myself, this would be the type of shirt Harry owns.

After I throw Harry's shirt on I slip on a pair of his boxer briefs as shorts then go to the bathroom and brush my teeth.

When we got back to Harry's last night we wasted no time getting into the shower. Afterward, Harry whipped us up a pasta dish for dinner. I learned that he knew how to make homemade pasta and he promised me one night he'll give me a cooking lesson.

When we were done we raced to his bedroom and our bodies were tangled together in his sheets. We were so high on lust, we giggled and kissed until we fell asleep.

We're both learning so much about each other's bodies. Not only did Harry know how to drive me wild with his hands, tongue, and his other parts, but he knew that when he drew shapes on my back with his fingertips I would purr like a cat, and it would relax me when he ran his fingers through my hair.

I walk along the hardwood floors, my eyes roaming the light, sage green-coloured walls. A montage of photo frames hung upon the center of the hallway, photos full of his family through the years.

In the first photo, I look at I see a tall, beautiful woman. She has dark brown hair that ends right below her shoulders. Her chocolate-coloured eyes sparkled as she had her arms wrapped around two little versions of Harry and Robert. Those green eyes I could spot anywhere. An older gentleman with brown curly hair and blue eyes stands behind the three of them. A smile is plastered on his face. They looked like one big happy family, the kind of family you see on television.

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