The Beginning

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In a world over run by monsters a group of people stood up to fight this world the creatures were know as Grimm and the people who fight them are know as huntsmen and huntress but a much more evil power lurks in the shadows.

My name is F/n L/n and I am faunus however I am alone not by choice but I have a mission one of vengeance with a path of blood but I must for justice but right now I am staying in a small wooden cabin just north of Vale.

Me: "I sense a creature of Grimm easy to kill right Tsubaki".

I pick up my sword which was called Tsubaki and step out the door and wait with my eyes closed until I breath in and out as I focus on my senses which are very sharp thanks to the years of training I went through as a child. Waiting for the moment the Grimm was within range of my blade I make a quick draw as it's head is sliced clean off and I soon open my eyes and see it turn to dust before I hear the sound of a faunus in pain which I quickly head for only for me to see 3 men beating a small faunus as I jump in and knock them back.

Guy 1: "Hey what do you think your doing".

Me: "making a group of men quiet attacking a faunus just because their different but then again you all just don't care do you".

Guy 2: "Look freak we will do what we want got it like this" (shoots the faunus).

As I look at the now dead faunus I simply kneel down and close their eyes and close my eyes as one of the guys goes for a punch at me however he soon find that in the blink of an eye his hand was sliced clean of as he falls back in pain as I stood up and look at them.

Me: "I would of just let you walk away but you for killing that faunus all of you will now your all dead".

As I held my sword for me nothing was different but for them time had stopped and I looked at them before slicing their head off in a single clean strike as I step away and let time resume as blood sprays on the walls and floor as I kneel by the dead faunus.

Me: "Almight spirits of the sky, of the sea and of the earth guide this wondering soul to a blissful rest may the great fire guide your path".

As I left take a moment to clean Tsubaki and give thanks to her for helping me get justice for that poor faunus but as I was walking home I noticed a hologram of Jaque Schnee and my blood was boiling as I slice it in half.

Me: "The Schnee are evil and as soon as I have the chance I will end their live with my own sword as I promised father".

I took a long walk home so I could cool off after what has just happened but as I took the walk back I make a quick stop at my village or what was left of it as I walk through I kneel before our clans symbol and pray hoping that all my people can see me getting justice for the faunus and them as an old friend appear.

???: "You know you shhhhould reaaally be careful unlesssss you wishhhh to die".

Me: "You make it sound like I'm in danger but tell me how is it I who needs to be careful or you Erik"

Erik was a lamia type meaning his lower body was part snake while the top half was human but he still smiled at the fact I had not lost my touch after all he more than any body knew of my semblance and it's power.

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