Bond Of Ice

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In the last chapter you and Weiss got poisoned by a mystery man but he told you of a cure that was on Mountain Glenn which you quickly set out to get suffering attacks from Grimm along the way but you managed to get the cure and return to Beacon.

To You

I was sat in a hospital bed as I try move but all I feel is pain until I noticed the bandages on my body and force my body up as the door opens and I see Ruby walk in with some flowers which she drops once she saw me.

Me: "Hey Ruby".

Ruby: "F/n your awake".

Me: "Yeah but what about Weiss".

Ruby: "She is fine that flower you got is working but we didn't have enough to cure you".

I take a moment to be thankful that Weiss would survive but I had to see her as try and get out of bed Ruby tries to stop me but I get out but fall to my knees Ruby helps me to my feet but I keep going to see Weiss.

Ruby: "F/n stop your in no condition to move".

Me: "I don't care Weiss is important I need to check on her".

Ruby: "You nearly died not to mention you have poison running through your veins and if you don't rest you'll die".

Me: "Weiss is important".

As I managed to make it to the door my breathing became harder as I hold my chest but I push through the pain and walk out into the hall as I make my way to Weiss's room. I make it to Weiss's room and open the door and see her sleeping before walking over to her before pulling up a chair and sit next to her as my hand was still holding my chest.

Me: "I really need to stop letting you take my breath away right Weiss".

I sat there watching her making sure she was ok as everyone else soon joined us which meant Ruby called them.

Paul: "Dude you should get some rest".

Me: "not until she is awake".

Yang: "F/n your not doing yourself any good if you refuse to let your body recover Weiss will be fine".

Me: "....."

Everyone left the room seeing that I wasn't going to move an inch from Weiss's side but they did talk in the hall. After hours had past Weiss began to wake up so I get up and look at her in the eyes as she looked a little confused.

Weiss: "Where am I?"

Me: "Hospital but your ok now so don't worry".

Weiss soon noticed how my body was covered by bandages as she sat up quickly looked at me.

Weiss: "What happened?"

Me: "What happened nothing at all well I best let you get some rest see you Weiss".

As I left Yang took not of the pain I was in but I left the hospital with my team not wanting to stay there any longer.

To Weiss

Weiss sat in her hospital bed thinking about what she had just seen which was you covered in bandages but you also looked unwell but she was snapped out of it when her team walk in.

Ruby: "Weiss your ok".

Weiss: "Ruby I'm fine still trying to figure out why I'm in a hospital when I don't have any injuries".

Blake: "Weiss you got poisoned".

Weiss: "Oh yeah that mystery guy that attacked me and F/n but can you all answer a question why is he covered in bandages".

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